How Much for Gas in Your Area? | Page 2 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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How Much for Gas in Your Area?

$1.89 for reg. in the cleveland

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Here in Colorado Springs. The news said It good go as high as $3.00 for regular by mid summer. Now that really sucks.

cheapest place in town:

Here in my corner of MO it's:

about $1.50 for 87 oct
about $1.60 for mid-grade
about $1.70 for premium

This place across the river in Illinois had a 1-hour sale of gasoline, and they sold it for $1.01. It was on the news here. The gas lines were like they were in the 70's for that one hour.


prices dropped today to 1.76(low oct:87), down from 1.80...i heard that prices might be going down in the next couple weeks, but i expect them to again sky-rocket for that oh so important boating/traveling memorial day weekend!


87 oct. $2.03
89 oct. $2.13
92 oct. $2.22

Winston-Salem/Clemmons, NC:

At Sam's Club:
87 octane-$1.46
no 87
93 octane-$1.72

At a regular gas statiion in Clemmons:
87 octane-$1.56
89 octane-$1.65
93 octane-$1.80

Beat you all!

What a racket... GRRRRRRR... I pay 0.87 a liter, so for a gallon it is 3.30$ (3.8 liter in a gallon) an thats for 87 octane.

In Norway the prices are abt. 1.07 pr litre, wich would be a little over 4$ pr. gal....going up!

hmmm... someone have a cheap house I can rent... I'm moving! Not only do you have a lot of grate places to go offroad, you also have cheaper gas than we do... Not fair!!!!


Canadian $3.30 ($.87/litre) translates to $2.13 US.

I got regular unleaded a few days back for $1.46 a gallon. It has already shot up to $1.51. How long are we going to pay for the government to grease the oil cartels pockets? Oh, I forgot. Why are any of the government agencies worried, they use OUR tax dollars to pay for their cars and gas.

Here in the Florida Panhandle it runs:

It's about CDN$0.66/litre here in Calgary,AB for 87 octane. That works out to about US$1.62/gallon using 3.8L to a gallon and an xchange rate of CDN$1.55 to US$1.

I'd hate to live in Southern California... OH DAMN, i do!!! i paid friggin $1.98 for 87 octane. what a friggin joke. why the hell is gas so cheap where some of you live? Somebody better fix the damn gas costs or else im gonna have to do a little bit of regulatin'!!!!

new york city

regular -> $1.839 and counting
i'll be getting my license this summer, [(cant drive by myself till nov) but i drive with my pops LOL] and this is gonna suck for a 16 year old to fill up with theses rediculous prices!!!!!!!!!!!

just seen a gas station here in north NJ $1.69....just cost me $29 to fill up my tank. As much as I hate to, I seriously think it is time to trade in my truck for something more fuel efficient. No more than a month ago, regular was about $1.40. And now 4 weeks later.....and summer isnt even here yet....damn

time for me to buy another motorcycle yamah R6 or GSXR 600

Seems like everything, not just gas, is more expensive in California, Florida, or New it only figures that gas would be higher in those places.

I noticed Mississippi had the lowest gas prices. It also has a lower cost of living than say Philly or Portland.

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Price just went up to CDN$0.73/litre today. That's US$1.79/gallon for 87!!!
