Hub Assembly Noise '04 explorer sport trac | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Hub Assembly Noise '04 explorer sport trac


September 9, 2014
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City, State
Vancouver, BC
Year, Model & Trim Level
2004 Ford Expl Sport Trac
Hi I am a new user to this forum and I have a noise coming off of the front end of my 2004 Ford Explorer Sport Trac. Sounds like it is coming from the drive shaft coming off of the transfer case. It is a grinding noise from one side (the front right/passenger) does anyone have any ideas or a service manual of the axel or hub assembly?

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Thank you, thank you - the videos and other posts (complete with pictures) helped a great deal, replaced the hub assembly, (Caliper, rotor, and break pads) its working like a charm. Now on to the latest issue the alternator - battery (replacement.)

Glad this site helped you, ncranchero is da man! Now about that battery & alternator...It is easy for me to spend YOUR money, but think about uprading there with a bigger, ( meaning more CCA ( cold cranking amps) and more reserve mins of voltage) than what came from the factory. I upgraded to a higher output alternator too, only cost me a few dollars more. Just something to think about.

Glad this site helped you, ncranchero is da man! Now about that battery & alternator...It is easy for me to spend YOUR money, but think about uprading there with a bigger, ( meaning more CCA ( cold cranking amps) and more reserve mins of voltage) than what came from the factory. I upgraded to a higher output alternator too, only cost me a few dollars more. Just something to think about.

What are our alternators rated at?

Factory rating is 130 amp
I think the one I bought on Ebay is rated at 200 amps.
