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Huge Lift

Originally posted by Heath
Hey look guys, its a solid axle swap on a 2nd gen!!!


more like a second generation body implantation on a tractor

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Originally posted by Paul Gagnon
This reads like a troll to me. :rolleyes:

I'm going to agree with your there Paul.

I call total BS on this guys actual plans. I doubt thre will ever be any of the work done to his Explorer (if he has one) that he has claimed.

well i agree with everyone else also.... just that i didnt wanna say it... haha

I knew a guy in high school back in the 80s. Had a lot more money than common sense, put a 302 in a Toyota 4x4 pick-up. Basically what he ended up with was a $15,000 dollar 4x4 that was now a 2x2 and had a resale value of $2500.


My buddies dad, when he was younger, they packed a 454 in a VW bug.....took up the most of the back seat area.


well since we've determined this post is BS might as not waste the space and post some cool stuff in here

FMX? Like they make any cash! Those loons can't even ride. They just got huge balls. Never again will I waste money to watch that circus. Now, Gravity games, that's cool, but the dude is probably full of it any way.
I still think the SD was cool:D

Ah, your all full of crap. I make good money. I am gonna do this. Its not a make belief lift. **** all of you. I'll show you all pictures.

ok IF your pro.... which i highly doubt your not. why are you driving a truck that is 10 yours old if you got all this money. so mr. pro whats your name.... cause i can find out very easily..... if you are or arent.... i have been riding for 14 years now.... met alot of people.... and personaly know a few.... being i live right behind steel city.... where all the team smp riders ride... so some one will know you mr pro.

more like a second generation body implantation on a tractor

Yeah, look at the frame of that Hugh X, it's not an X frame. LOL

Hey Fox, you never answered my question? I live in Riverside, why don't we meet up. :D

FMX rider what's your name if you are a pro fmx rider i wil ask some friend they know ever one and most of them where they live and all i am pretty sure fmx ride make good money but for what your talking about you must of been saving bro but who now's lol and calm down bro if you know what your saying is true then why get all pissed off about it just get pic's of i and you and maybe we can meet up to check it out.

Late bro

hey foxrider-how much is custom motorsports charging you? my cousins roomate is one of their "lift specialists" who was it that you talked to over there?

ok here is the deal skyjacker makes a 18 inch lift for a ranger it cost about $2000 but it is every thing you need i think if you dont believe i can go take a picture thursday and show an 18 inch coil spring lift and it will fit right on an explorer because my 4 inch is off a ranger no mods


91 Explorer Sport
4" Superlift
3" Body
35x12.50 BFG's

Im sorry but there is no concievable way to have an 18" lift kit. there would be no way to make it strong enough... the only way to have 18" of lift would be to have a solid axle in the front.

hey i just got 128 inch lift for my tuck from skyjacker. for real, the coils are 8 feet tall ........

there is no 18" lift.

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This **** is too funny. Did yall know I swapped a 454 into my sport?? hahahaha
