I have a question about lowering Eddie Bauers | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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I have a question about lowering Eddie Bauers

NoLimits C.C.

Active Member
September 26, 2002
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City, State
Southern IL
Year, Model & Trim Level
1998 Eddie Bauer
I have a 98 Eddie Bauer 4x4 and have dropped the front 2" by twisting the torsion bolt out some. I went to get it aligned and the guy told me that I would have to raise it back up an 1" along with buying a camer kit to get it to align properly. But the other thing is that I have the factory air ride shocks and had to turn them off to get it to stay lowered.

My Question is -

1) is it a major project to take the air shocks out and replace them with the Eldelbrock shocks???

2) is there a better way of lowering the X without damaging things after driving it for a while???

I lowered a car a long time ago by just putting on smaller rims and tires back in the day when a major offset was cool. After a year I killed my axle and bearings. I was told that riding the X on lowered torsion bolts would kill the front end something simalar to that.

I was planning on buy a set of 22" rims and just call it quits and not worry about lowering it, but a lowered X looks killer. I have 18" rims on it now. I also have seen pics of X's with 20" rims and they look alright but still have a gap in the wheel well area. I also saw an X with 22" rims and it looked alright (pic didnt do it justice) but the tires were 30 series and looked like rubber bands and there was still a GAP, dont know if he could lower it any or not with those.

Any help on this would be great.

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well, as far as having to lift it back up 1" to get it aligned, thats BS. take it to another shop; though you will need a camber adjustment kit - not really a big deal.

How did you lower the rear?

That alignment shop is useless, go elsewhere.

I wiould definately dump the air shock syste,

Take a look at Dead Link Removed

Good luck.

I was told that riding the X on lowered torsion bolts would kill the front end something simalar to that. [/B]

Simply untrue. It might make some things wear a little faster, but it will not kill the front end. Keep in mind that the guys at these shops think they know it all, but they don't.

about the only thing that it will do is place a very small amount of extra stress on the upper and lower balljoints. and i mean, very VERY small. not enough to even matter, really.

i agree, dont even let them work on your truck. mine is exactly 2" lower in front, and i am running factory spec alignment right now.

there is no other way to lower it. no one makes an actual kit. backing the bolts out is your only option.

Off-topic - James, you have CVs right? AWD?

nope. mine's 2WD. im either lucky, or unlucky, depending on how you look at it.:D

VERY lucky.

BTW- NoLimits, thats an awesome X you have there. killer install, too. i wouldnt go 22's, because then you couldnt lower it. just my opinion.

Thanks man, well after reading some threads about 22's I am a little in-between now on wether to get 20's or 22's.

I would not get 22s if I were you, it's not worth it.

but ur X isnt a Daily driver (right?), so whats really the disadvantages to 22's? It may have a harsh ride, but its not a daily driver, so who cares? And if you get a small enough tire, then the overall size should be the same that you could still lower it, i dont see the problem

I'd say go for the 22's, you would be different. I've only seen 2 X's on 22's, and didnt like either only because i didnt like the design of the rims themselves, but i think if someone got a nice clean wheel in 22", it could look sweet

Yes, you are right nnnick, its NOT a daily driver and I agree with you that the 22's are the same radius as factory. Thats why they put such a low series tire on it -to keep the same radius as factory. I also have looked at a couple of X's with 22's and one was an XLT 4door which I didnt like the rims and the other was a Sport which looked great, But an Eddie Bauer's design is different since it has the flares, so rims look alot smaller. That's one reason why I was thinking of going 22's. From what I have been researching I can still drop it some with 22's. I like the more chrome than tire look anyway. Also since it is not a daily driver the comfort ride is not an issue. I put only 2,x.. miles on it last year. And thats only because I wanted to drive it and not trailer it.

Dont get me wrong, I appriciate all the post, thats how I do my research and this forum is the best!

Thanks guys!!!!
