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sag before the lowering


Well-Known Member
November 14, 1999
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Hello Dudes, I lowered My 96 Explorer but the driver side rear is must lower than the passenger side rear about an inch more or less. I lowered my x with 2 " block and did a tt for the front also 2". I have the Hyper 640 rims with good year 20" 275x45. Has anyone had the same results, if so is there a fix ? Did not noticed if it sag before the lowering.

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Yup, my driver side rear is about .5" lower than the passenger rear.

replacing the driver side rear 2" block with a 1"

I am thing about replacing the driver side rear 2" block with a 1" block to see if this would help. Do you guy think this a good idea?

The drivers side sags more because all the heavy things are on that side, i.e. gas tank, battery, etc. I wouldn't use different sized blocks. Most just deal with it.
