I just love my wife...(Explorer related, really..) | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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I just love my wife...(Explorer related, really..)


Elite Explorer
October 19, 1999
Reaction score
City, State
Cape Coral, FL
Year, Model & Trim Level
'91 EB
We were pulling out of Lowe's yesterday and my wife turns to me and asks:

"Which drive do you use?"

Now since we were pulling a heavy loaded trailer I was really impressed by her question. Note I was assuming the question was prompted by the fact we were pulling a trailer....

So I answered: "Drive when pulling the trailer and I'll normally leave it in Overdrive when cruising around town"

She answered: "Oh..." (With that funny oops like tone)

I asked: "Why, which drive do you use when you use my truck?" (She calls an explorer a truck...)

She replied, with a smile on her face: "I use drive 1"

Yup gang.. that's right.... For the last two years, whenever my wife has used my Explorer she has been toodling around town in FIRST GEAR!!! No wonder I never have any carbon build up.

I asked her if it sounded funny when she drove it and she said yes... She thought it was the muffler...

Thank god we live in a small town with an average speed of 30mph and she never took it on the highway..

Yes she is a blonde.. and I do love her..


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that is funny... and scary at the same time.... she better be a cute blonde :)

tow years of driving in first gear!Dead Link Removed

wow, just imagine if you had a flowmaster 40 on there.
your neighborhood would hate you.

my friend did the same thing to his dad's ranger in highschool. eventually he blew the engine on the highway.

A friend told me this once. It may or may not fit in this case.

"God bless their pointed little heads..."

Just don't tell my wife I said that...

Fortunatly for me and the Explorer she does not drive it very often.... (or very far...)


lol thats pretty funny, cant believe it, heh your pretty lucky that she didnt drive it hard. just pretty interesting what happened, i find it amazing the different ways peope drive. a few friends of mine have driven with the the e-brake on for miles :eek:

Originally posted by jimabena74
...she better be a cute blonde :)
Yeah, REAL CUTE. Otherwise, I'd probably $h!t a brick.
My girlfriend is afraid of my Explorer becuase she's afraid she'd hurt it. She's afraid of how I'd react if she did hurt it. She thinks I love my Explorer more than her for some reason. Possibly because I talk about it all of the time and all the stuff I want to do to it. :rolleyes: Even though I tell her I don't, she won't believe me. I even was egging her on to go into the mud holes wide open at Paragon. Go figure...

Hey, look at it this way, at least she didn't slam it into "R" for "race" when the local punk revved his motor :eek:

He he, that's a good one.;)


My Lexus has one of those "gated shifters" in that the shifter on the console is not a straight line from park to low, its a serpentine line. Well, whenever my wife and I go out to dinner (she doesnt drink, I do) if I've been drinking I let her drive home. Now, for one thing she hates driving any one else's car but her own, and for another she drives a New Beetle (her choice :rolleyes: ) so after driving that my big ass Lexus is sort of like an oil tanker. Well, I've had the car 3 years now, and she still cant operate the gathed shifter, I have to shift it into and out of gear for her from the passenger seat lol.

Its not that hard!

My dad taught me how to drive a stick when I was like 11, and me and him are still the only ones in our family that know how to drive one. Its hilarious to see my mom drive one. She can start one and get it into first where you dont gotta use the clutch, but even thats a challenge. I enjoy being able to grab a gear whenever I want to, so I like driving them. Once, we were going to my aunts house, and her house is at the top of this really steep hill, you gotta really motor up it hard if your not in a lower gear. So coming back down my mom had it in 1st, and we pulled onto the street in town and she was still in 1st and started asking why it wouldnt speed up and sounded so loud. Eventually she figured it out...

Man that is just crazy! Maranda knows how to drive a stick well enough to get up Wheeler lake here in Colorado. Heck she can bark the tires sticking it in second! That and she has good looks to boot! :) :D Heck she was so good off-road that everytime I pointed her towards a rock, she would take it in stride! LOL

I think the real issue was the fact she has probably never driven an automatic before.. She learned on a stick and has had nothing but sports cars since..

Plus I am sure there was a blonde moment involved also..


Originally posted by rpenner54
Man that is just crazy! Maranda knows how to drive a stick well enough to get up Wheeler lake here in Colorado. Heck she can bark the tires sticking it in second! That and she has good looks to boot! :) :D Heck she was so good off-road that everytime I pointed her towards a rock, she would take it in stride! LOL

Except I stalled it about a 1/2 dozen times. But that was nice, thanks...

My wife hates automatics. Every car we have bought for her since we got married has been a stick. We even wanted our new X to be stick, but they dropped that option for the 4 doors :mad:

Originally posted by Maranda

Except I stalled it about a 1/2 dozen times. But that was nice, thanks...

Better then poping the clutch and giving it to much gas and putting you into a weird spot. :) GUILTY! LOL I just have to teach you how to use my hand throttle and you will be all set. Its better to stall then to jump the gun and blast it up. :) At least I think so...

Originally posted by JDraper
My wife hates automatics. Every car we have bought for her since we got married has been a stick. We even wanted our new X to be stick, but they dropped that option for the 4 doors :mad:

i thought they only dropped the stick option for SOHC and V-8 engines. because all explorer sports (2 door) are SOHC, that means you cant get the manual trans. so the only way you can get it is if it is a 4 door OHV V-6....

As far as I know, the OHV isn't available in the X anymore. The product line listing for the 2001 model doesn't list it

i wasnt aware of that. i though they used the OHV through 2001, and got rid of it for the new 2002s.

when did they stop with the OHV V-6?

All right, that was tacky. Why don't you edit and clean up your post. This is a family board.

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whats goin on with this bjshift guy? PM me if necesssary
