I just ordered a MAC intake! | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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I just ordered a MAC intake!


Elite Explorer
October 7, 2001
Reaction score
Year, Model & Trim Level
1996 xlt
i ordered a MAC intake today for my 96 v8. i ordered straight from the MAC company, their website is www.macperformance.com . i just called the 800 number and told them what i wanted. i should be recieving it in the mail in a few days, it shouldnt take too long because temecula is not far from here. the cost straight from MAC was 139.50 + shipping and tax (the lady didnt give me the total costs with everything and i forgot to ask :rolleyes: ). ill tell you all how it goes after i install it!

oh and should i reset my computer after i install it? just take off the negative cable for at least 10 minutes then put it back and drive around a little bit... right?

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No, don't drive around at all after resetting the ECU. Let the vehicle idle for about 5 mins (do NOT push the gas), then turn it off. If you push the gas while the ECU is 'learning' the new air/fuel maps, it will trick it into thinking something abnormal is happening, and it will try to compensate for it.

alright... so i disconnect the NAGATIVE wire right? then leave it disconnectes for like 10 minutes? then let it idle for 5... then what?

Doesn't matter which wire, as long as the current from the battery is killed. Actually if you can find the fuse for the ECU, just pull it - same effect without losing the clock and radio settings. Otherwise might as well do the negative. Let ecu lose memory (10-15 mins), reconnect battery, start and let idle till truck reaches normal operating temp usually about 5-10 mins, turn off truck, done. Now drive away and check out new intake!

alright, sweet. thanks a lot for the info, ill let you all know how it goes once i get it in the mail (didnt come today :( )

well i dont have a digital camera, but i have a scanner so i suppose i could take some pics of my car and mods and scan them. where is a good **free** place to host pictures online? ill prolly be regestering as an elite explorer sometime soon so it wont be a problem then.

alright, i finally got the intake today in the mail. all parts were there and everythig looked good so i installed it. installation took about 30 mins, but i was taking my time making sure everything was done right. it could be done in like 15-20 mins if you were in a hurry for some reason. some instructions came with the intake and covered everything you needed to do except for let it idle for 5-10 mins. well once it had been idling for about 10 mins, i got in and took her for a spin. WOW! the sound alone was worth the money... it sounds AWSOME!! at full throttle, it sounds really mean, 100 times better than before. and of course I did notice better throttle response and a definate increase in overall performance. not to mention it looks awsome in the engine too.

if you are thinking about getting this intake... DO IT. i would recomend this intake to anyone!

once i get my hands on a camera then ill take some pics.. but if you havent already seen it, lowdpipes has a pic of his in his sig. heres the link:

Awesome! Now i want one LOL

congrats on the mod!
