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I need a lift.

February 10, 2008
Reaction score
City, State
Brooker, Florida
Year, Model & Trim Level
93 XLT
Hey, I gotta 93 explorer XLT. I need a cheap lift and i cant find them anywhere. So if anyone has a site or someplace i can find one please tell me because i need one.

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how big a lift? 2in is cheap. warrior shackles from tellico4x4 for $70 shipped and $36 for f150 coil seats from ford. gonna need an alignment after though. instead os shackles you could do aal's from procomp for $40 but the stock shackles need to be replaced anyways so you should probably get the warriors.

well im a 17 year old so i dont have much money. I wanna about a 3" lift.

2in is the cheapest. 4in is a little more. youll need the shackles and aal's for the rear and a new coil for the front at about $140 plus alignment. should get a new pitman too. stick with the 2in, their isnt a huge difference between the 2. why do you need such a cheap lift. looks, off road, broken crap, bigger tires...

31's will fit on it now. anything bigger will always need fender cutting even with a bigger lift. 2in is the best for you id think. any bigger tires will also require a regear which is very expensive. what size tires do you have now?

your basically in my situation. i went 2in. warrior shackles, 2in procomp springs with 31x10.5x15 tires. gained about 3-4in in total lift with no issues and for only about $300 including used tires and alignment. with the addition of a 2-3in body lift you could probably squeeze 33's on it but youll probably have to cut the fenders or not go off road or take tight runs but itll be at the point of a regear depending on what you have now. these trucks suck with big tires and no regear. gas mileage drops like a rock and passing becomes an issue. 29in tires on a 2in lift doesnt really look out of place so you can still drive it without looking strange while you save for other things. i think most 33's wil require new rims as well, probably looking at some 8in rims.

A 3" body lift from Summit Racing will get you 32's, 33's if it's a street queen and you take off the tupperware.


I have 32's on my '93 with a 3" body lift, i needed 7" total to fit 35's so i put the body lift on first and when it gets warm i will add my 4" suspension, tires, and gears. I can then throw the 32's on my 95 after free 2" lift. Here is where mine sits currently.



Sorry to kick an old thread all, but can someone tell me what year of f150 coil spring seats I would need to pop the front of my 93 exploder xlt, 4.o pushrod ohv , auto 4x4, 4 door with air up to match with a set of warrior 153's in the rear?? Much thanks to anyone
