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I need help...BAD...Im out of options.

So...anything else before i get another belt?...I have no idea what to do anymore.

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Oh didnt see the post under the diagram lol...it does it either with both or either.

If it helps...When i thought it was the alternator...i swapped it out with a used one...noise still persisted.

i also rarely run my AC ( usually ride with the windows down)....This noise still persists even with the ac off. i just turned it on when i swapped the used alternator is to see if that alternator was functioning.

It's tough without being there, you're going to have to try to isolate the noise, spin accessories by hand... Trial and error...

Keep in mind if you had a weak pulley/bearing set, the new belt and stronger tensioner might be putting enough tension (normal tension) that it could be making an existing problem more evident

I just pulled off the belt and spun all the pulleys by hand....no noise at all and they spin as smooth as ever.

Try a new belt... Just to eliminate that. See if they have a Gatorback belt or something little better. I like Dayco...

Yeah I'm going to try the Dayco one...im just waiting on a ride lol. I hope that's the problem :\

Will update in a bit...if it doesnt work i am going to post a video.

Thank you though JoeDirt you have been a major help.

Trying... :)

If the belt doesn't cure the problem I will say water pump is the issue. Like Joe stated earlier, if there was an issue previously and you start replacing parts, you will most likely stir the pot and and something else could start acting up especially like a bearing that normally didn't have tension on it and then it all of a sudden does

Good point Jon- what way is the disc facing?

The one I had was a different shape it did pinch, but I don't think it was the original thing... That just jogged my memory. Sometimes I need priming. :)

If the belt doesn't cure the problem I will say water pump is the issue. Like Joe stated earlier, if there was an issue previously and you start replacing parts, you will most likely stir the pot and and something else could start acting up especially like a bearing that normally didn't have tension on it and then it all of a sudden does

The pulley or the pump itself?

LEt me take a picture of the idler pulley. gimme a few minutes.


Did i mess up? lol

Normally with something like that you replace the whole unit and not just the pulley on the water pump. Something just to think about it.

Did you try running the engine for a minute without the belt to just to make sure it isn't something else entirely?

Yes...no noises at all.


Switched out the belt with a Dayco one...and she runs beautifully and quietly with the AC and headlights on and with the system pounding hard!

Thank you so much for your help and efforts guys...couldnt have done it without ya'll

Awesome... Dayco makes a nice treated belt. :thumbsup:

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