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December 10, 2005
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2002 XLT
I have a question. Is there a difference between an Idle Air Control motor and an Idle Air contol valve? If so, does my Explorer have both? I have changed the IAC valve [new] and idle has improved, but not idling as smooth as it should.

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Welcome to this forum! I see that you are new here. A rough idle can come from a dirty MAF (do a search on this website for instructions on cleaning one out), a vacuum leak, bad wires, plugs, wrong timing, etc. I would first check the MAF since that part usually gets dirty fast, and causes a rough idle with a loss in power if it is really dirty.

Thank you for the suggestions. That is what I need, ideas of things to check. I love my Explorer and enjoy driving it, but this rough idle is very aggravating. I will start with the MAF because this vehicle had a VERY dirty K&N filter. I have corrected that problem also! I really appreciate the welcome. THANK YOU!

Please keep us informed if the MAF was the problem. Another thing to change is the fuel filter. It could cause hesitation, hard starting, fuel starvation on inclines, or pulling heavy loads, and a rough idle. The PCV valve should also be changed, since this could cause a loss of vapor recirculation, and lead to a rough idle. The last thing is the EGR valve (if equipped), since this recirculates the exhaust gases. I've seen some really bad clogs in intake manifolds under the EGR's connection as a result of an accumulation of grease build up.
