idle air control cleaning fail | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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idle air control cleaning fail


Well-Known Member
March 1, 2015
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Year, Model & Trim Level
1992 Explorer XLT 4x4
I hope i haven't messed up big this time. I have been dealing with a high idle issue that i traced to the iac. I tried soaking it overnight in carb cleaner after taking the electrical motor part off. When i put it back together, the idle went even higher. Before this cleaning, every time i drove and shifted into park, the idle rose to about 1250 or so. After this cleaning, it is now just around 2000. Does this mean the iac is dead?

One remedy i did before this cleaning was to just leave the iac disconnected. The idle was perfect then. However, after this cleaning round, when i unplugged it, the idle is still around 2000. How can I get the idle back to normal?

replace the iac

I figured it is bad. Ill try to get out to the junkyard and snatch one up.

Until i get there, i have been monkeying around with the iac and found the issue. When i put the motor back on, i must not have got the plunger pin to seat properly in the motor shaft. The valve was halfway open. After taking the motor back off and realigning the pin, the iac works as it used to before the cleaning. I haven't tried plugging it back in yet though.

Is the iac a truly necessary part for proper performance? The idle is perfect without it plugged in, and the humming noise i heard before is gone completely.

Is the iac a truly necessary part for proper performance?

My car had high idle speed until I changed the control of idling. Cleaning has not helped.
