Idle Trouble | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Idle Trouble


March 5, 2009
Reaction score
Year, Model & Trim Level
2003 XLS
I've got a 03' XLS, and when I keep the engine in Park, it idles just fine...
When I drop it into Drive and stay on the brake, at a stop light for example...
The Engine will stutter... then recover... other times the engine will stall out.

I've asked some of my friends, they think it may be Spark plugs, Fuel Filter, Air Filter, the gaskets are old and hard allowing air to come in, and something in the transmission itself...

Any others experiencing this problem? Any suggestions...

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with an '03 you should have something called an IAC, Idle Air Controller. . .which adjusts the RPMs at idle. Id check that first and maybe clean it, also MAF sensors, TPS sensors. . ..

Thank you, I'll take a look at it... I'll post with status updates.

holy crap, finally someone with the same issue as me.

i posted this in the modified forum in like DEC.

mine will stall out while in park or while in drive when stopped at a light or just sitting around with it in drive and the brakes are applied.

but i can just put in park and it cranks right back up. so idk what the deal is.

Just had this happen to me for the first time...
