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Intake tube question with pics


Well-Known Member
October 16, 2005
Reaction score
City, State
Upland, CA
Year, Model & Trim Level
1993 Explorer Sport
So Ive been having a weird problem lately where under certain situations, my throttle sticks open and the only way to unstick it while driving is to pump the pedal 3-4 times. Well upon further inspection, I found that these two rubber pieces have deteriorated on the throttle body side of the intake tube, and one was actually interfering with the throttle plate. So I pulled them out and tightened down the clamp, and it seems to be fine without the "gasket" but I was wondering if there was a way to replace just the two rubber pieces??? Or do I just bite the bullet and do the intake tube as one piece?


It's fine. As long as it's tight around the TB opening. Mine did the same thing on 2 94's. And my current 93 is starting to rip apart. Your only going to find them used & will likely be in the same shape or get ripped apart again.

Every time I hit the junk yard I pick up any of those in good shape I find.
