Interior Trim Code? Choosing replacement seats | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Interior Trim Code? Choosing replacement seats


Well-Known Member
September 23, 2002
Reaction score
City, State
Del Rio, TX
Year, Model & Trim Level
'05 XLT
I am hoping some of you can help clear up some of the trim code mysteries.
I am looking at E-bay auctions on leather seats to replace my el'cheapo XLS bun busters and I'm not sure about the different trim styles.
One auction has leather seats from a "Limited" model.
Another is Eddie Bauer
Another just looks identification.

Are there any suggestions on things to look for? Better seat? Better support, etc?
I like the deal on the limited set, but it seems the only one that has headrests on the front seats??!! They also don't look like the side bolster support is as large or built up as the others?
Any tips or suggestions would be greatly appreciated. I really think a leather seat set would be nice in my X. Some of the auctions seem outragious, but some also seem reasonable.
Let me know please. Thank you,
