IRS in 2nd gen?? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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IRS in 2nd gen??


Explorer Addict
December 14, 2002
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'06 Mazdaspeed6 GT
I don't know just how impossible this is, but has anyone tried to retrofit the IRS setup of the new explorers into a 2nd gen? i'd love to lose the leaf springs and go for a more advanced and stable setup...or at least know there's potential.

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Frames are completely different. The Gen 3 irs system runs the half shafts through holes in the frame. It would be quite an involved process with plenty of custom fabbing.

Just talk to John V. at Explorer Express. He makes his living out of making explorers handle. His X Spec suspension kits are really good (Car and Driver tested his trucks and gave good reviews)

impossible enough to me. :p i guess if i want IRS bad enough i'll save for an '03 Aviator :cool: now if i understand right, Xspec suspension is mostly supposed to lower the X? i haven't heard much good about the durability of the edelbrocks when subjected to the trails. so really all that i'd consider there is the sway bar. does that REALLY improve handling that much? my truck will be getting lifted in the not so distant future, but i want to keep body roll to a minimum on the street. and since i want to get the best parts the first time instead of after cheap ones break, where exactly do you buy warrior shackles?

If your going to be lifting, than the X-Spec Suspension is not going to do you any good. It lowers the vehicle, but i'm sure that you could benifit from the swaybars. And you could put an IRS in with enough time and $$$, but mostly $$$.

Get the EE swaybars. There is a package deal if you get both front and rear.

For the rear bar, I suggest getting quick disconnects from Warrior since you're gonna lift it and go offroading. The front is disconnectable in about 5 minutes with the stock hardware, so you don't need quick discos for the front.

I got rid of my rear bar a while ago, but am going to be trying the EE rear bar with the War q.d.'s in a few weeks when I get time to install it. It should make a big difference.

if you are lifting it,why not relocate the gas tank and modify the inner wells and the floor of the truck to run coilovers? they will ride nice, and not be leaf springs.....

IS sucks for offroading, what is the point of trying to fab it into a solid rear axle truck, am I missing something?

Yeah, I assumed it was for a street truck.. I definately would advise against this for a truck that will go off road.

Street truck or offroad, not a worth while swap.....

i agree. if it takes such frame mods and stuff, it doesn't seem too economical in the first place. thanks guys :)

Pfft, swaybars are for the faint of heart. I used to only run a front swaybar till i took it off once and broke an end link. If you drive carefully (like you should be in a lifted vehicle) you will have no problem with it being tippy. I have a lift and 33s (soon to be 35s) and i drive my truck everyday and i dont have any trouble though i would not want to excute any emergency manuevers. I'm probably going to put my front sway bar back as soon as i stop being lazy and get some endlinks. I almost rolled my truck last summer on the highway with 31s and no rear sway bar after dodging a tractor trailer that decided he wanted to take my space in my lane. I was fish tailing all over the road. Im sure if i have the 33s and no swaybars i would have rolled.
