Is there suposed to be a little movement @ 9 and 3 front suspension? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Is there suposed to be a little movement @ 9 and 3 front suspension?


Well-Known Member
May 4, 2008
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City, State
Chicago, IL
Year, Model & Trim Level
'01 SPORT 4x4
i have a little movement at 9 and 3 when front wheels off ground, is this ok??
please help!!!:salute:

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im verrry stumped???:(

There should be no movement.. If movement is present you need to look behind the wheel to see if its from the wheel bearing/hub or outer tie rod.

i forgot to lock the wheels, could this be the reason for the movement?

i forgot to lock the wheels, could this be the reason for the movement?

No.. There should never be movement of any kind. When you push/pull the tire you need to examine the back wheel, any movement should be glaringly obvious.

i dont have any movement at 6 and 12 though!!!!:salute:

i dont have any movement at 6 and 12 though!!!!:salute:

movement @ 6 & 12 is typically ball-joints. Movement @ 3 & 9 is typically wheel bearings or tie rods.
