Is this normal pulley behavior ? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Is this normal pulley behavior ?


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October 7, 2022
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2004 Mercury Mountaineer
Is this normal pulley behavior ?

2004 Mercury Mountaineer, 4liter v6, awd.

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Is this normal pulley behavior ?

2004 Mercury Mountaineer, 4liter v6, awd.

If you worry about these little vibration, i would say it is normal.
If there are no other issues (sometimes the pulley-arm get loose) you could release the belt tension
and feel if the bearing has play, also take a look at the guide pulley bearing.

Check your Harmonic Balancer. They are known to fail on 4.0's. I've replaced mine already..

Lol yes it's normal for the tensioner pulley to move like that. It's doing its job. It is spring loaded. That's actually really smooth compared to some.

Looks normal to me
