It's official - I lost 30 lbs | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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It's official - I lost 30 lbs


Pumpkin Pilot
Staff member
Elite Explorer
February 8, 1999
Reaction score
City, State
Wayoutin, Aridzona
Year, Model & Trim Level
'93 XL '20 ST
Didn't want to believe it until I saw it on the doctors scale. I've lost 30lbs since January '12.

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Well is that good news?

..Congrats on the weight loss...:biggthump

..You are going to have to share your secret..:popcorn:

keep that up you will be able to climb under them big old Dodges soon,,


j/k,, congrats,,

Congrats rick..

Yes Steve it's good news. Something I've been working on.

The secret? If it tastes good, spit it out :( That's pretty much the truth.

Kevin just asked if Char bit your head off

keep that up you will be able to climb under them big old Dodges soon,,


j/k,, congrats,,

Pete, it's funny you should say that. I don't use a creeper when I work. I've always hated them. I just throw on some work clothes and crawl on the ground.

Anyway... I am able to crawl all the way under the back of the Seneca, from side to side, under the fuel tank, up by the tires, with about an inch to spare. Been doing that to bleed the brakes since the car was parked on the single side of the garage.

I just swapped the two Darts positions in the garage a couple days ago so I could finally get it up on jack stands.

So... Yes, my weight loss has allowed me to crawl under that big 'ole Dodge :D


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Congrats Rick! 30 lbs is a big deal!
More details please, beyond if it tastes good...
Less of everything? More exercise? All salad??

Yes Steve it's good news. Something I've been working on.

The secret? If it tastes good, spit it out :( That's pretty much the truth.

So your starving yourself?:(

I lost 20lbs in the last year, I just cut back on everything. Get the small soda, get a single burger instead of a double, have a 6 inch instead of a foot long... and drink more water.;)

More details please, beyond if it tastes good...

I rarely eat red meat. I mainly eat chicken and fish. Nothing fried. I also limit bread, pasta, etc. I haven't drank soda for years. Probably most importantly, we rarely eat out. The only place where I could eat healthy and still enjoy myself was shut down by the IRS and Immigration:eek::mad:

So your starving yourself?:(

I lost 20lbs in the last year, I just cut back on everything. Get the small soda, get a single burger instead of a double, have a 6 inch instead of a foot long... and drink more water.;)

You're still young;)

Before the latest "diet" I had done what you are, cutting back on the regular stuff. Trouble is that only maintained my weight, didn't do anything to lose weight. You hit a point where you have to either barely eat anything with fat at all, or you have to exercise, exercise, exercise, to trigger weight loss.

I hate exercise... Most boring thing in the world, so it had to be a change of diet... And it's not a "diet" meaning something that you can end at some point. It has to be a permanent change.

I've lost weight in the past, and when I was happy where I was at, I would start to eat the things I enjoyed again... Didn't work.

Since losing the weight I am now off of both my cholesterol and blood pressure medications.

What brought this on was a series of things. My doctor told me I was very close to being labeled a diabetic. My grandma, and Char's grandfather both died from complications of diabetes. Not fun... A day before my 50th birthday I was diagnosed with glaucoma. High blood pressure only makes it worse. Last but not least... I saw a photograph of myself and I hated how fat my face had become. I'm now down to a double chin instead of a triple ;)

I'm at 185 now. I would like to lose another 20 - 25.

Good job Rick!

Wow congratulations! That's a significant achievement!

Nice :thumbsup:

It's weird to think how much 30 pounds is. It's like you were carrying ¾ bag of water softener salt, or three 10lb bags or sugar, with you all the time.

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A little late to the party here, but nice job Rick! I applaud you for working at it. I think losing weight is one of hte harder things to do because it is so freaking easy to GAIN weight, so hard to loose it. Especially when I look around and it seems like everything being advertised is so completely unhealthy... like "pizza isn't unhealthy enough so we put more cheese into the dough and then put on more bacon and cheese!" well damn, that sounds good... but I can't have it, trying to be good... and it seems like they are always coming up with new flavors of ice cream, new junk foods, etc. to tempt... but just have to be good. Admittadly its not as fun but the results are worth it.
I lost 50 pounds in the last 18 months... last 12 really, just been at a stable weight now for a while. The cool thing is how great I truly feel and even though exercising isn't always the most fun thing in the world, it's great to set goals for myself, meet them and then exceed them!
