James Duff Lift: Will It Work? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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James Duff Lift: Will It Work?


Elite Explorer
April 24, 2001
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'91 XLT
Does the James Duff 2.5" make enough clearance to fit 31" muds? Or is the Rough Country 3" better? I'm not exactly a fan of body lifts so what do you guys think?
Thanks, Kyle

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31's will fit stock and with the duff kit u will be able fit 32's i would suggest the duff kit over the rough country

31x10.50 on 8" steels fit fine on our 1992 XLT with a Duff 2.5" kit.

To get the 32's on we put had to make a different front bumper (we would have hit the stock one) and trim the inner fenderwell. Even then it is a tight fit.. When we flex the truck I can get it to stuff a lot in there..

Here's a pic with 31" tires and the duff 2.5" kit.. the rear is lower than it should be (I goofed on the rear spring pack orderr)..

The Duff kit I think would be better than the Rough Country kit..

Here's a link for an install article I wrote a while ago..



I just noticed you asked about 32" tires with the duff kit..

Here's a pic of our 1992 with 32" tires and the duff kit....
We also have a custom front bumper (we would have hit the stock one)
no inner fenderwell on the passenger side.
1/2" spacer under the front left spring (now it sits level side to side.. kinda).
OME-36 rear springs (2.5" ish lift)
Warrior Product shackles.. for another 1.5"ish of lift over stock.. The back is about 3.5" lifted.. the front is about 3".. it looks close to level this way.. if I set it level the back looks low becuase of the design of the front bumper..


even though the front is a tight fit.. you can still get a lot of flex out of it.. (with 32" tires on 8" rims.)


I say go for it.. it doesn't take much more than the lift to get it to run 32's..

BTw.. don't forget to regear once you change the tire size.. we run 4.10's and are at about 2750rpms at 80mph.. in OD

Thanks guys. I think the Duff Kit is for me.

i just recently installed the j.d 2.5 lift on my 92 e.b.. i also installed 1"coil spring spacers and put the warrior shackles,which gave me a total of 3.5 suspension lift. i have installed a 2" p.a body lift. i am running 33x12.50 tire only the right side i have a little rub when turned in full lock while the suspension is compresed.other than that its a nice ride. the james duff lift is a nice set up for the price.you can,t go wrong. ps. the rivets are a pain to get out!!!!!!!! after that it's straight foward.good luck
