Jay Strip went BAD. | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Jay Strip went BAD.


October 16, 2003
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92 Exploder
I was going to show my friend what a jay strip was...so i put it in reverse and stepped on the throttle then went to low at about 20mph while at WOT....the was a loud BANG and then nothing. Almost like the shift linkage isnt hooked up but when i put it in park it makes a little gear noise but does not go into gear and rolls like its in nuetral. No fluid loss and the linkage is still connected. I then engaged the 4x4 and low to see if the truck would move but nothing. There is no noise coming from the tranny as i slip through the gears and no movement of any kind. The tranny shops around here said it may be the output shaft but they are backed up for weeks and wont be able to look at it...but said if I take it out they may be able to see whats wrong. The local junkyard has a tranny for $650 with a 2month warrenty and Fordland said they have an Output shaft for $150. I have basic hand tools and understand enough about cars to fix them with books and a little guidence.
Any help would be great.

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1) Welcome!

There's a reason you're supposed to go into 4L when in neutral!

Sounds like you fubared something, they're right that the best thing to do is to start taking things apart. Could be the tranny, tcase, or their junction. I'd lean more towards the tranny internals or the output shaft. Obviously the parking pawl is also involved.

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Not too smart.

Could be all sorts of things, but pulling the tranny is going to be part of the solution.

Could be input shaft, OD planet, output shaft, anyway you cut it you will need a new trans. Either rebuild yours or swap in the junk yard trans.
The yard trans doesnt sound too expensive. The shaft and OD are going to cost close to 400 I think.

May want to pull yours replace it with the used one, and then rebuild your old one so that the next time you'll have one ready. If your'e going to do stupid stuff like that make sure your tires are overinflated and use some bleach - to reduce your traction and make some smoke :D


I found a parts truck for free. Thanks for all your trouble shooting help.

1. What the fudge is a jay strip? A long trail or tranny and tc fluid left after you rip them both out?

2. How did you get it into low while moving? you have to have it in neutral and foot on the brake for it to shift?

3. You're screwed, and your profile isn't there so people can stalk you, so try to complete it to help us help you.

nuetral for 4L aye? does that include taking it out of 4L?
once i have it in 4L it doesnt go away even when i turn the switch back to auto. Usually i have to put it in reverse and roll back a few feet. It makes this HORRID screaching sound then pops out of 4L. it sounds very bad.....

Ist a Jay Strip the same as a bootlegger's j turn? Where you throw it in reverse, whip 'er around and then put it back in drive and floor it?

Originally posted by Hokie
Ist a Jay Strip the same as a bootlegger's j turn? Where you throw it in reverse, whip 'er around and then put it back in drive and floor it?

Now, I've always wanted to do that :D

Originally posted by 4x4Wheeler
...so i put it in reverse and stepped on the throttle then went to low at about 20mph while at WOT....
Guys, I don't think he's talking about low range, just low as in first gear.

Originally posted by IAmTodd
Now, I've always wanted to do that :D

Really hard to do in an automatic without screwing up your tranny... Can be done with a manual pretty well if you can whip the car around while double clutching to grab reverse... Always wanted to do it (in my old Acura)but could never get quick enough with the wheel, stick, clutch.... and was afraid I would hit something...

Oh, and grind the heck outta a synchro or 2 ;)

sorry for the confusion guys...

no i did not attempt a "Rockford" or box 180.

a jay strip is when you stop in the middle of a hill put the vehicle in reverse or nuetural until you reach about 5-10mph then slide the tranny into first while holding your foot to the floor. The tires are supposed to spin like mad while your still going backwards and then slowly start back up the hill while roasting the tires off the rims resulting in two black strips that looks like the letter "J".

I knew better...but thought that the universal joint would snap first..not the tranny.


hmm.....sounds alot like a neutral slam. i lost a tranny to that once but it was on its way out anyways.

Originally posted by 4x4Wheeler
sorry for the confusion guys...

no i did not attempt a "Rockford" or box 180.

a jay strip is when you stop in the middle of a hill put the vehicle in reverse or nuetural until you reach about 5-10mph then slide the tranny into first while holding your foot to the floor. The tires are supposed to spin like mad while your still going backwards and then slowly start back up the hill while roasting the tires off the rims resulting in two black strips that looks like the letter "J".

I knew better...but thought that the universal joint would snap first..not the tranny.


tranny is the weak link in the v6 explorers...

“Watch what I can do! Screach, screech, clank. That was cool!”
*In a Beavis and Butthead voice *

LOL…….OMG…… trying to be really cool is expensive.

Well I wouldn't do that trick on a vehicle I cared about...
And I would NEVER do that on a 1st gen truck, particularly a 91 or 92; you're just asking for trouble with the transmission.

Originally posted by Hokie
Ist a Jay Strip the same as a bootlegger's j turn? Where you throw it in reverse, whip 'er around and then put it back in drive and floor it?

I used to be able to pull that off in my old bronco II. If i was backing up i could cut the wheel one way or the other then slam on the brakes, since it only have rear abs the front end out lock up and swing around. not the brightest thing to do but sure was fun. :p

we used to do that on a really steep hill in my vega....very cool.It was a standard.One day it started shifting funny, and when I crawled under the bell housing was broke clean in half!

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Why the hell you you put a car into forward gear rolling backward at 20mph? I hope you paid for the car in full by yourself, and will also be buying the transmission that I'm sure you will need. If you are going to sencelessly beating it, I'd sell the Explorer since it won't take this kind of abuse. :rolleyes:
