Jessi Combs - Died in jet car crash | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Jessi Combs - Died in jet car crash


Pumpkin Pilot
Staff member
Elite Explorer
February 8, 1999
Reaction score
City, State
Wayoutin, Aridzona
Year, Model & Trim Level
'93 XL '20 ST

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Char, with Jessi at the SEMA show.

1D7_5165 copy.JPG

holy crap that sucks!!
If you gotta go at least go out doing what you love

I heard about this on the way into work this morning. Very sad. I meet here at the off road show once. I believe Ted (tbars) knew her well too.

Just saw that.

430 MPH pass.


Found this...


Aw man, this is a terrible loss. She was an inspiration in more ways than one--

edit. Now that I have pondered, I'm kinda inspired to get into a 400 mph car. I don't care if it'll go straight as long as it hits 400 MPH because I want to die like that too.


I was deeply saddened by this. Such a great human being taken too soon.

She knew the risks, and chose to push the boundaries, but she did these things for more than herself. She was determined to raise the bar for women, and inspire them to achieve greatness. Truly a sad loss for us all.

That's better than what I thought. In one of the interviews I saw where she says on a previous run, there was a brake malfunction and she was watching the bushes getting closer and closer. I was afraid it was like that and she had some time where she knew she was done for. I guess at those speeds there is only fractions of seconds.

What a crazy, hot, funny, smart and confident babe. What a shame.

Char and I watched the HBO Max movie about Jessi's quest to break the world record. It was so sad to see her final pass. They showed in car footage right to the end. :( I subscribed to HBO Max just to see this movie.

Shortly before her final passes Jessi met Kitty O'Neil, the woman who at the time held the title of world's fastest woman since 1976. Jessi basically asked for her blessing to break her record. She gladly gave it, and finished with "Be careful". Kitty passed on shortly before Jessi's crash. They got to meet again in heaven much too soon :(

We watched it last night.

Although I was very curious about what actually happened, I am bothered by seeing the on board camera view of crash. I know they needed to include it. I just Wish I hadn't seen that.

We watched it last night.

Although I was very curious about what actually happened, I am bothered by seeing the on board camera view of crash. I know they needed to include it. I just Wish I hadn't seen that.

I agree. I thought they were going to leave it with the video that was just before the in car.

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same, i watched it as well. was very surprised they showed that. i didnt really like seeing some persons last moments of life knowing the outcome.
