Just pulled off the steal of the century -- 98 mountaineer | Page 2 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Just pulled off the steal of the century -- 98 mountaineer

i would take the Mounty over all of them,

just a bit classier looking,, nice find,, no, wait,, excellent find,,

Thanks. I like the mounty front end better for the 98 year, because I HATE the pre-99 front bumper on the X's.

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Hey! Didn't mean to call you a girl, Also didn't know you were advertising an auto parts web site. In my neck of the woods "Erica" is a girls name. My mistake, We still haven't seen the 5 liter.......

HAH I'm at work I can't just run outside to take pics and upload them..when I get a chance I'll send ya all the pics ya want. I'll even lay on the hood. And yes..our company is automotive parts unlimited so it's rayautopart, ericautopart, etc etc etc @ aol.com.

HAH I'm at work I can't just run outside to take pics and upload them..when I get a chance I'll send ya all the pics ya want. I'll even lay on the hood. And yes..our company is automotive parts unlimited so it's rayautopart, ericautopart, etc etc etc @ aol.com.

why not get your own domain and just have eric@domain.com, ray@domain.com, etc.

no..... The car has no engine its my project car. It does have a roll cage, subframe connecters, drag shocks, aftermarket rear suspension, built moser rear axle, detroit locker and a complete msd ignition. so its not and never has been a 4cyl because my cousin was the original owner of this car.

no..... The car has no engine its my project car. It does have a roll cage, subframe connecters, drag shocks, aftermarket rear suspension, built moser rear axle, detroit locker and a complete msd ignition. so its not and never has been a 4cyl because my cousin was the original owner of this car.

Ah... In that case, 347ci time :cool:

great deal!

I just bought my black sport last week for 1000
and i thought my deal was the bomb. But you definitely made off like a thief.
Looks real good. Wish mine was white. =(

Oh and I just bought another Mustang yesterday, $450, 1984 GT HB, great shape, alittle rust on front frame rails, nice/clean interior, but no 302 or T-5 trans in it.
