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Kenne Bell supercharged 5.0 Explorer...

I will exhume the design files from my workstation and post some pics this weekend. I had designed them in anticipation of installing Contour fans on my own engine, but I ended up just reusing the stock fan because I have not tested the EEC-V dual fan output control yet. The stock fan seems to cool the high performance engine I built just fine, even with the AC on and in 100 degree ambient heat, but I still think I may do the swap eventually. It's a pretty tight fit for anything in the engine compartment, so I admit to procrastinating on this one due to the effort involved in altering things.

If you were interested in them I could cut them out on the water jet and the only cost would be shipping and a minimal amount of material for the mounting brackets. The design completely enshrouds the radiator for a perfect fit and maximum cooling capacity. Those Contour fans will overcool the engine when both are running at 100% DC.

That's excellent, and a generous offer as well. I have had two electric fans so far and the biggest key has been the fan controller quality, and the reliability of the fan motor. I liked the Volvo fan I put on my V6 Explorer, but it was my first attempt at epoxying a plastic section to merge the old shroud and the Volvo shroud. I would prefer a more common and popular fan, the Contour should do that well, and be reliable. I loved the DCC fan controller for function, but the power terminals are very fragile. A reliable PWM controller should be mandatory; I wouldn't be thrilled with the fans coming on fast or high speed often, I loved the soft start of the DCC unit.

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The soft start has been the challenge. You can certainly hook up the EEC outputs to relays and drive the fans that way, but the current limiting doesn't exist in that case so you're hit with like 120A in-rush current for the Contour fans and I've melted a few fuseholders that way. If you must do it this way, use a circuit breaker to control the in-rush instead. It will work reliably for years, otherwise you're facing some kind of overcurrent melted component, eventually.

I found PWM control boards on Amazon for cheap and have used them successfully, but they still require a microprocessor to generate the PWM control signal.

The soft start has been the challenge. You can certainly hook up the EEC outputs to relays and drive the fans that way, but the current limiting doesn't exist in that case so you're hit with like 120A in-rush current for the Contour fans and I've melted a few fuseholders that way. If you must do it this way, use a circuit breaker to control the in-rush instead. It will work reliably for years, otherwise you're facing some kind of overcurrent melted component, eventually.

I found PWM control boards on Amazon for cheap and have used them successfully, but they still require a microprocessor to generate the PWM control signal.

There's a thread on the Corral forum about adapting different OEM fan controllers to run fan of choice on Mustangs. I don't recall the actual models they worked with, but at least a couple of members came up with good combinations. They wanted something that should be reliable, PWM of course, and hopefully not too expensive. I think one was a BMW unit, but they discussed several I recall. That would be my 2nd choice behind the DCC units.

I will exhume the design files from my workstation and post some pics this weekend. I had designed them in anticipation of installing Contour fans on my own engine, but I ended up just reusing the stock fan because I have not tested the EEC-V dual fan output control yet. The stock fan seems to cool the high performance engine I built just fine, even with the AC on and in 100 degree ambient heat, but I still think I may do the swap eventually. It's a pretty tight fit for anything in the engine compartment, so I admit to procrastinating on this one due to the effort involved in altering things.

If you were interested in them I could cut them out on the water jet and the only cost would be shipping and a minimal amount of material for the mounting brackets. The design completely enshrouds the radiator for a perfect fit and maximum cooling capacity. Those Contour fans will overcool the engine when both are running at 100% DC.
Very cool! Ha.

I did fail to write that I am running fans on the front of the radiator, pushers. I got two circuits, use breakers not fuses, and adjustable thermostats. The stock alternator drives them fine. Those are in addition to the flex fan. My 2000 had the newer single row rad. so I purchased and installed the older 2 row radiator for additional cooling.

I water jet cut, no, WTF how nice!................ I jig sawed and bent aluminum plate to make an upper and lower shroud to mount fans and make them more efficient.

She stays cool climbing mountain passes, in summer, and under boost.

There's a thread on the Corral forum about adapting different OEM fan controllers to run fan of choice on Mustangs. I don't recall the actual models they worked with, but at least a couple of members came up with good combinations. They wanted something that should be reliable, PWM of course, and hopefully not too expensive. I think one was a BMW unit, but they discussed several I recall. That would be my 2nd choice behind the DCC units.
half way there. just custom snout, custom bracket, electrical and vacuum. play time

5.0 new charger.jpg

Yes I am using the existing snout and found a machine shop to do it. Thank you
2000 explorer closer to be done. I say halfway. just waiting on machine snout, vacuum and wiring and play time.

5.0 new charger.jpg

Should work the upper radiator hose location is slightly different on the v6 radiators but it should work, the hose reaches just fine
. I often use the explorer or ranger v6 radiator with my v8 swaps

I was researching supercharger drive lengths back in June 2018 and found that post. The Bronco/F150 unit I am running has a 270mm snout and they come in 314, 270, 185, and 141.

This is a cut away of blower snout. It may help seeing this view for machining?

wmkenne_bell-cut-away-view (1).jpg

I had this on my 2000 Ford Explorer 5.0L for a few years with 15,000 miles on it. The belt I used is 5081145.


m90 coils.jpg







I was researching supercharger drive lengths back in June 2018 and found that post. The Bronco/F150 unit I am running has a 270mm snout and they come in 314, 270, 185, and 141.

This is a cut away of blower snout. It may help seeing this view for machining?

View attachment 452864
I just had a machine shop cut down the snout to where I need it. can you tell me what I need to torque the inside and pulley bolt to.

I just had a machine shop cut down the snout to where I need it. can you tell me what I need to torque the inside and pulley bolt to.
KB Pulley Install.jpg

You get that snout/drive on and Pulley attached? It would be nice to read of success and see it?

How much boost are you looking for?

There is a calculation that can help with determining pulley size. I get 7.5lbs of boost with a KB 2.2liter, 3" pulley, but at 5,800' altitude. That same 3" pulley should make 9.3lbs at sea level.

I need to find a smaller power steering pulley for my explorer 5.0 3 bolt, bolt on. the one I have is 5.2in and need at least 1/2 in smaller or more. any ideas what I can shop for. thank you


try Home - Auto Specialties Performance - Quality Performance Products for your pulley. they can make custom ones, they have a 5L power steering on file, but a 8 rib stock dimension. that pulley is also the same for a 4L sohc power steering pulley for what its worth.

not sure if anyone cares, but i tripped over this on marketplace.


try Home - Auto Specialties Performance - Quality Performance Products for your pulley. they can make custom ones, they have a 5L power steering on file, but a 8 rib stock dimension. that pulley is also the same for a 4L sohc power steering pulley for what its worth.

not sure if anyone cares, but i tripped over this on marketplace.

thank you

I guess you got what you needed from us you got any updates?
I haven't completed the project yet. I am working on this on weekends and couple hours here and there. as soon as I get it done, pics will be added. sorry for the delay, just finding places to fabricate my parts take time.

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Sorry for being a dumb A, Your committed, My guess is you are waiting on a custom PS pulley and snout/drive bracket.

Did the machine shop have any issues cutting down the drive? I am curious to see it cause I could go that route.

The Kenne Bell pulleys are steel and beefy. They have 3/8" material, at the mounting surface, which could be machined/turned down. That could be enough to make the difference if the snout could only be cut so short or perhaps finer alignment of the belt.

3 inch pulley.jpg
