Lambo door wiring question... | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Lambo door wiring question...


November 19, 2006
Reaction score
City, State
Toms River, NewJersey
Year, Model & Trim Level
1998 X Sport
Hey guys,

I am in the middle of installing lambo door hinges on my 1998 Explorer Sport and have run into a little problem and could use some sane advice. My problem is now that I have removed the black "knuckle" in the center of the door that the wires run through, how am I supposed to now rewire the doors? The knuckle is no longer usable since the doors dont open like stock, and there are no other seemingly good places to run the wires and keep them out of obvious sight? Any one here done this before that can offer up some good advice? Thanks for your time!


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Do what he said ^^. You will need to add length to the wires. I would suggest solder and heatshrink.

About the lambo door kit you bought, is it a bolt on kit? What brand?

How about posting some pics also?

Thanks for the tips thus far guys. The kit I bought was a universal kit. It will not bolt on since it isn't made for my truck, which i heard its better to weld it anyway for strength. They say the bolts tend to loosen up every so often. I am actually welding the plate of the hinge under the fenders and making another bracket to go onto the door for the hinge to bolt onto. I should be done within a few days, i'm doing it after work each day, and then I just gotta contend with the wiring. I will def post some pics as i get it completed though!!

Ugh...i can't find what i'm talking about but they make a special part for just such a thing. It has two sides, one that fits on the door jamb, and the other that fits on the door. It has copper, or gold plated contacts on it and when the door shuts it makes the connection for you. Nice, clean, neat, and freaking impossible for me to find but I swear it DOES exist!! :D :D

Sorta kinda like these...but with multiple contacts

More like these...but i've seen them with more contacts than this

The LF doors of 95-01 Explorers have easily 30 wires going into them.

Will the Lambo door pivot in one plane, say like straight up, swiveling around a point in the hinge area? Those OEM connectors are simply two connectors which swivel at a point.

They swivel stock horizontally, if the new door will be straight vertically, turn the OEM connector on its side. If that could work, it won't be simple to do that, but it wouldnt be too bad.

I installed that connector and all 1999 wiring into my 1991 model door and 93 rear body etc. I had to cut matching holes for that connector, one large and two bolt holes. It may turn 90 degrees there and be able to mount much like it was stock. Good luck,

i'm hoping you got your fenders off =P (might have to do some triming to the backs) but the way we did it on my friends truck is: the hinges came with a spacer that fits behind the hinge this adds intergy between the hinge and body but we just heat-shrink wraped all the wires then electrical taped them then we used a product called flex looms its kinda like the plastic ones but rubbery and slid them behind the hinge (witht he room from the spacer) and to the old hole in the door kinda hard to notice since the door and fenders sit close together and you got all the hinge and lifter there, we did need to extand every wire though. thats just what we did on his F-150 but

Btw if you use bolts use lock tite, they woln't loosen then :thumbsup:

The blurry picture shows the shape of the hole for the LF connector. The bottom picture is a stock 2000 EB body harness, see the large connector which goes from the body into the hinge area. The middle shows the harness after I added memory seat circuits and right hand window control wires to it.


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