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Leaky tranny


Well-Known Member
July 27, 2008
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94 Eddie Bauer
So my transmission leaks whenever I pull a trailer , or drive an extended period of time at a high speed. Like the other day I drove 40 minutes at around 60mph and lost every drop of transmission fluid.

However , if I drive just around town or under 55 and don't pull anything it will be perfectly fine. Months will go by and it will be fine , but the second I pull something or drive far , it leaks again.

What I'm guessing in my head is that when the transmission gets hot/stressed it leaks.:dunno: I put some transmission sealer in it yesterday to see what it does.

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you are correct, whenever the autos build pressure they puke.... but it shouldn't happen just going 60, either it's not flowing through the cooler, or something is blocked up inside and when the pressure builds either through heat or high speed driving it blows chunks on ya....

I would check it's flowing fluid THROUGH the tranny cooler, and if that checks out then start trying to find blockage in the tranny itself. I would think you could test the cooler by pulling the return hose and making sure fluid flows out of it when the truck if running.....

But I'll let the tranny experts chime in, I have a manual, so I'm just relating what I've read other people post on here.

I should have specified that I have no idea about engines , I was more wondering if it's a cheap fix or expensive.

Also how much transmission fluid goe's in the car? Sombodoy said 6 quarts , but mine says it's full with about 3 , and yea I'm checking and filling it while it's warm.

The front seal blowing out on the highway is a common problem on the A4LD. Check the fluid level in the radiator to see if it's full. The next step is to check the fan clutch, thermostat, and the radiator cap. Do you have an auxiliary transmission cooler?

My raidiator? There is some coolent in the little plastic reservoir and the radiator itself is full. Not sure where or what the fan clutch is , or thermostat. And I have no idea if I have an auxiliary transmission cooler.
