Let the fun begin!!!!!! SAS time!!!! | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Let the fun begin!!!!!! SAS time!!!!

After blowin up the left front brake rotor some weeks ago I decided to rip it all out and go solid with my daily driver. Don't worry........the portaled 2 gen. is still in the works. Girlfriend is makin me spend money else where.

Alright lets get dirty. The axle is a 6 lug dana 44 from an 81 Waggy. Got it cheap so I figured what the hell and NOTAJP promised he'd help. It rouhgly about 2" wider per side then the TTB and YES it will be leaf sprung. I'll be using Rubicon Express 4.5" lift 6 leaf leafs. M.O.R.E. steering with Chevy knuckles so I can do high-steer/cross-over steering on it. All shafts in it will be alloy with CTM joints with 5.29 gears. Goes to the shop sometime soon to be trussed. I'll be doin the rear in the future too. Half of everything on my list is on back-order so this will be a long project.

Oh and I ordered the tires and rims of choice........39.5x15x20r STSs and American Racing Mojave Bead Lock in a 20x10 size. Yep thats right......20s!!!!! I should be the first with an Explorer with 39s and 20s under it. :) I love bein the first. :p

Well heres a few pics of it as it sits today.


  • Solidaxleswap 001.jpg
    Solidaxleswap 001.jpg
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  • Solidaxleswap 002.jpg
    Solidaxleswap 002.jpg
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And I get to be the first to mess with your thread....:D I'm getting excited for ya and we've been talking about this for a long time.

Just remember guy....you promised. :)

I really just need **** to start showin up. That'd speed things up for sure. I still need those damn brackets to hang everything though. :)

Looks like a sweet project man. 20's.....nice. :smoke: Or in the words of Homer Simpson: Mmmmmm.....20's.

Yeah we have a new Super Duty dualie runnin around town with 39s with 20s on it. I loved the look of the tire wheel package and I figured since I have to go to a 6 lug wheel I might as well be different.

Hhhhhhmmmmmmmmm..........maybe I should think about some spinners. :D

Of course I promised. Your brackets will be done next week. I'll be there after the house closes. You can come pick up your brackets for free is you help me move next weekend. Oh wait, Heath told me how much help you are....

If you weren't in such a big hurry to take your axle away I'd build and truss it for you. :rolleyes:

Hey! I just saw your sig....Let the games begin! :fire: :D

Well hey guy......I'll talk to Amanda about helpin you move but in the mean time..........you have the knowledge to truss???? :eek: Damn it man!!!! Oh wait aminute......we have to set-up the leaf perches before trussin it.

I thought you'd like my sig. :p

In for updates. :thumbsup:

Also, why the STS's? Nothing against them, just curious. :)

STS's? Damn, I didn't even read that the first time. StudedX is really gonna be light in the loafers with those gay tires on there.


Nice :D

Well I actually chose the Iroks first but realized I need more of a pavement sand tire. BFG all-terrians are just gay in my book so I had to choose something good. :) Just playin Kent.

I'm sure Iroks are in my future but right now I need a more street tire then aggresive. Plus if you've seen an Irok you'll notice there actually a directional tire. Actually I'm not really sure if they are or not but I did notice that they have an arrow saying which way the rotation is just like the baja claws do. Really not wanting that headache again.

Its kinda hard finding a real tire when you've decided on runnin 20s. :cool:

Toyo and Goodyear both have a 38" and 40" radial mud terrain...though $$$$. Yes, the IROCs are directional. You won't have the TTB tire wear issue. My BFGs are wearing really nice after the almost 20k miles. If I wasn't for a slight camber issue I won't even need to rotate my tires. I just have to get my lazy butt out there and fix it.

BTW, your accusations of BFGs being gay further prove that studedX is gay as you were drooling all over those very same BFGs when I was considering selling the truck. ;)

NOTAJP said:
Toyo and Goodyear both have a 38" and 40" radial mud terrain...though $$$$. Yes, the IROCs are directional. You won't have the TTB tire wear issue. My BFGs are wearing really nice after the almost 20k miles. If I wasn't for a slight camber issue I won't even need to rotate my tires. I just have to get my lazy butt out there and fix it.

BTW, your accusations of BFGs being gay further prove that studedX is gay as you were drooling all over those very same BFGs when I was considering selling the truck. ;)

My buddy just put a set of 35x13.50s on his Yota. They look badass but again I need a street tire. Anything with a mud-terrian logo on it is no good for me right now. I need something that'll get ALOT of miles off of.

I like all-terrians......especially BFGs but there not me. See if I bought your rig it would've had my old swampers on it within a day of havein it. :)

I can't wait to see how this turns out. Sounds like its going to be a sweet ride!

I would almost argue that the Goodyear's and Toyo's would get just as many or more miles then the STSs. I haven't heard much on the life of the STSs just yet. I do know the Goodyears wear really well and based on Toyo's reputation I'd bet money they would last a long time. Besides, with your money, who cares? :p ;)

NOTAJP said:
I would almost argue that the Goodyear's and Toyo's would get just as many or more miles then the STSs. I haven't heard much on the life of the STSs just yet. I do know the Goodyears wear really well and based on Toyo's reputation I'd bet money they would last a long time. Besides, with your money, who cares? :p ;)

Yeah with MY money who cares??? :rolleyes: :confused: I'm not a fan of goodyears with the some-what flexy sidewalls. I think even Rick noticed that when he went to the MT/Rs. TOYOs seem to be a great brand but I'll see how my buddies wear to look into those more.

I've been a fan of Swampers for years and trust them. I just go with what I know works. :)

With all the big bucks you have, why not buy a new set of tires every year? :p Seriously, I really like the new Toyo's but two things wrong: #1 Les Schwab has an exclusive in the NW, and #2 the 37x12.50R17s weigh 100lbs each! :eek:

Hey between me and you................I do buy new tires every year. Every Dec. I get new tires from Santa. Not this year though. I have alot of sets of tires.......none at my house though. Every friend I have has a set at there own home.

Hell, this is the first set of rims and tires that I've had more then 12 months.

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nice.... get a spinner kit for the 20s that would fit on there and still be spinner.. the mojaves... arent they the teflon coated ones?
