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Lift 3rd Gen 02-05: Good Guys Auto Sales

Keep in mind...

If this person is military, this might be the last place to be right now. I would be patient. Nonetheless, I'm getting my own pics... :cool:

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If you're not busy...

I have a EX that was purchased at Good Guys in San Diego. It's an 02 with a 3 innch body lift with the larger springs and struts. I have taken it across country and it has done fine. The only problem was the return hose to the radiator was stretched and rubbed in the belt. It wore out the idler arm puller and and belt tensioner and belt of course I replaced all for about 89 bucks and put in a custom hose. I have taken it off road and it will go anywhere my buddies f250 diesel will go. No problems. The vehicle was lifted by san diego customs before it went to good guys. Oh and I didn't pay 30,000 for it either try 11,500 with less than 50,000 miles on it. No problems what so ever. Oh one thing I had to modify the exhaust, up and over the frame and the spare tire to pass north Carolina emmissions. Used flowmasters sounds great....

Guess the vehicle isn't something that's worth posting after all... I mean, if you say you only paid 11.5 for this incredible vehicle, and then not post or discuss... well, maybe the truck ain't worth anything, and maybe you're not being 100% with us on your experience. Your buddies got trucks, but you chose a questionable Ex, hmmm... Oh well, maybe you did pay $30,000 for it, and maybe the vehicle just fell apart on you, so no pics...

(disclaimer: If you are military, then you are understandably busy at this time. However, that quick hit up there is about as helpful as the story... good luck on that one... I hope you come back with some pics and talk. If not, then enjoy the truck and thanks for leaving us out... So, to reiterate, the owners of these vehicles are reading these posts, as are the company owners... but how could you not have the courage to speak about something that would only increase profits?? GG EX owners, you have no reason for not talking. Fattyb, you dropped the ball here...

So, to reiterate, the owners of these vehicles are reading these posts, as are the company owners...

You mentioned several times (IIRC in another thread too) that company owners are reading posts on this site. What makes you think that? You make it sound like they're playing games with us.

Just curious where you're getting this idea from.

At some point someone will speak...

Retracted... thanks!

Donner I think you are totally reading into this whole situation. I'm in San Diego a bunch, it's typical people do whatever they can to jack up the front of a truck to clear some 33s and call it good. Pictures can make a truck look bigger just by the angle of photo. If you want your truck to look bigger, just crouch down. (sure it could be a body lift, spindles, etc) I see tons of lifted Explorers in San D.

You've been a member of this site for a month and have over 700 posts, you clearly spend plenty of time on here, but please realize this, PEOPLE DON'T USE FORUMS TO ABDUCT HUMAN BRAINS. I was on here 3 years to get 700 posts and I post a lot.

All this talk about dealerships, legal, libel, disclaimers, not posting is plain stupid. Same as you think that Froaders tires got slashed by ExplorerForum stalkers.

It is totally possible that nobody from good guys even knows or cares about this site. I managed a boat dealership for and also worked as a factory sales rep in the marine industry and there is a wakeboarding forum called There are several bashing discussions about dealerships, brands, etc. Dealerships and Mfg's hate the press and but customers get to the bottom of their problems when they make it public.

There is no confidentiality agreements or anything going on. Probably just a bunch of sales guys selling trucks that show up at their lot. They don't get technical because their clientel doesn't ask those questions.

All this talk about dealerships, legal, libel, disclaimers, not posting is plain stupid. Same as you think that Froaders tires got slashed by ExplorerForum stalkers.

Yes i have to agree with Dannyboy. He explained what i was thinking exactly. I think you are reading way too far into this whole topic, and somehow you came to the conclusion that the Good Guys...guys...are reading these posts.

And the thread about Froader's tires was the other thread i was thinking about. No hard feelings, but it sounds like you feel that the rest of the world is out to get us explorer owners, for whatever reason.

Nevertheless, I am anxiously awaiting your pictures.

Donner I think you are totally reading into this whole situation. I'm in San Diego a bunch, it's typical people do whatever they can to jack up the front of a truck to clear some 33s and call it good. Pictures can make a truck look bigger just by the angle of photo. If you want your truck to look bigger, just crouch down. (sure it could be a body lift, spindles, etc) I see tons of lifted Explorers in San D.

You've been a member of this site for a month and have over 700 posts, you clearly spend plenty of time on here, but please realize this, PEOPLE DON'T USE FORUMS TO ABDUCT HUMAN BRAINS. I was on here 3 years to get 700 posts and I post a lot.

All this talk about dealerships, legal, libel, disclaimers, not posting is plain stupid. Same as you think that Froaders tires got slashed by ExplorerForum stalkers.

It is totally possible that nobody from good guys even knows or cares about this site. I managed a boat dealership for and also worked as a factory sales rep in the marine industry and there is a wakeboarding forum called There are several bashing discussions about dealerships, brands, etc. Dealerships and Mfg's hate the press and but customers get to the bottom of their problems when they make it public.

There is no confidentiality agreements or anything going on. Probably just a bunch of sales guys selling trucks that show up at their lot. They don't get technical because their clientel doesn't ask those questions.

I was thinking the same things.... Most salespeople know squat about what they are trying to sell, other than the cost and how much it will benefit them to sell that car/truck. They would probably look at you with a lost look on their face if you ask them how they were able to get past the CV angle issues. I also highly doubt someone from that dealership really cares what goes on in this thread. As long as they are selling these vehicles, making money, then that is all that matters. Out of sight, out of mind... If you are really concerned about these vehicles, I would suggest going down, examining them and posting up some pictures.


Yeah guys whats with all the hubub?

Sorry, but that's not so...

Donner I think you are totally reading into this whole situation. I'm in San Diego a bunch, it's typical people do whatever they can to jack up the front of a truck to clear some 33s and call it good. Pictures can make a truck look bigger just by the angle of photo. If you want your truck to look bigger, just crouch down. (sure it could be a body lift, spindles, etc) I see tons of lifted Explorers in San D.

You've been a member of this site for a month and have over 700 posts, you clearly spend plenty of time on here, but please realize this, PEOPLE DON'T USE FORUMS TO ABDUCT HUMAN BRAINS. I was on here 3 years to get 700 posts and I post a lot.

All this talk about dealerships, legal, libel, disclaimers, not posting is plain stupid. Same as you think that Froaders tires got slashed by ExplorerForum stalkers.

It is totally possible that nobody from good guys even knows or cares about this site. I managed a boat dealership for and also worked as a factory sales rep in the marine industry and there is a wakeboarding forum called There are several bashing discussions about dealerships, brands, etc. Dealerships and Mfg's hate the press and but customers get to the bottom of their problems when they make it public.

There is no confidentiality agreements or anything going on. Probably just a bunch of sales guys selling trucks that show up at their lot. They don't get technical because their clientel doesn't ask those questions.

My first two posts in this thread stated that someone here owned one but wouldn't come forward... Well, Fattyb has been a member for some time and did come forward -

And please keep in mind that some of these posting do help other people that don't post... they just read and either shake their head or learn something. As for the documents, I spent years working with people that signed documents they were not aware of - clauses and stipulations that later caused problems.

Last thing, no forum stalkers, just they know what's here and it's better to be safe than sorry... just asking that you keep an eye out.

No problem...

Yes i have to agree with Dannyboy. He explained what i was thinking exactly. I think you are reading way too far into this whole topic, and somehow you came to the conclusion that the Good Guys...guys...are reading these posts.

And the thread about Froader's tires was the other thread i was thinking about. No hard feelings, but it sounds like you feel that the rest of the world is out to get us explorer owners, for whatever reason.

Nevertheless, I am anxiously awaiting your pictures.

No worry, I know they sound extreme, but it's just so that people who are sitting out will just tell us if the lifts are sound - I do know that companies routinely look for libel and copyright theft... that's how I know they are reading.

With the other posts, it's not Ex owners, it's just the behavior fits certain patterns that would suggest problems. I will not post any more of them because the point is made - don't forget that was a crime.

(And don't worry about the criticism, I'm good with it :)

It's all good...

Donner I think you are totally reading into this whole situation. I'm in San Diego a bunch, it's typical people do whatever they can to jack up the front of a truck to clear some 33s and call it good. Pictures can make a truck look bigger just by the angle of photo. If you want your truck to look bigger, just crouch down. (sure it could be a body lift, spindles, etc) I see tons of lifted Explorers in San D.

You've been a member of this site for a month and have over 700 posts, you clearly spend plenty of time on here, but please realize this, PEOPLE DON'T USE FORUMS TO ABDUCT HUMAN BRAINS. I was on here 3 years to get 700 posts and I post a lot.

All this talk about dealerships, legal, libel, disclaimers, not posting is plain stupid. Same as you think that Froaders tires got slashed by ExplorerForum stalkers.

It is totally possible that nobody from good guys even knows or cares about this site. I managed a boat dealership for and also worked as a factory sales rep in the marine industry and there is a wakeboarding forum called There are several bashing discussions about dealerships, brands, etc. Dealerships and Mfg's hate the press and but customers get to the bottom of their problems when they make it public.

There is no confidentiality agreements or anything going on. Probably just a bunch of sales guys selling trucks that show up at their lot. They don't get technical because their clientel doesn't ask those questions.

And take it easy with the stupid thing... I don't call people stupid or their postings stupid. I have been told by several members (no hard feelings) that the things are sometimes overboard - maybe so, but here are a few -

1. Brian and the GM dealership - he found they had lied to him about many things; he was told to bypass what was said to him in the original post - it's a good thing he listened to everyone.
2. I told Froader that person that slashed tires would get bolder, and they followed up by slashing more tires; and if someone slashed my tires, I'd be concerned until I found out otherwise; (correction - I misread, #2 is not correct)
3. The gentleman from Ill that said I was wrong about vehicle seizures; I wasn't wrong.
4. And to reiterate, fattyb.
5. I advised that posting of other peoples lic plates is not a good thing; they were blurred later -

These things might sound silly to you, but I have my perspective. Just as I wouldn't try to tell someone how to repair a transmission on a car they just bought, I could help them in some other way. Maybe I do know a little something about law, but it sounds pretty weird, I admit, the way it's posted.

Sorry about the number of posts, I'll try to be less talkative... and I have an appointment to speak with GG about the lifts. They do their own lifting, but they also have another company that helps with overflow. Either way, I'm not posting stupid things. I stand by what I say, and I listen to those of you that know what you're talking about when it comes to vehicles - all aspects.

So, I don't mind being called a nut, but don't call my postings stupid please. And I don't mind that you disagree, I'm not offended :cool:

As soon as the topic of the lift has concluded, I will let you know if the lift if marketable - I don't want one that high, but some people do... 3rd gens.

FYI: License plates are property of the State that you reside in. You do not own them, so posting something that travels in plain view with you ALL the time doesn't really matter.
If "they" want to find you, they will. Granted it's a Vanity Plate, names are kinda iffy.

Back to the topic @ hand..... When do we get pics?
I highly doubt they will tell you much. It would be nice but I just don't see it happening. Not to mention the fact that the pics don't help if we don't have detailed information about the install itself.

And take it easy with the stupid thing... I don't call people stupid or their postings stupid. I have been told by several members (no hard feelings) that the things are sometimes overboard - maybe so, but here are a few -

1. Brian and the GM dealership - he found they had lied to him about many things; he was told to bypass what was said to him in the original post - it's a good thing he listened to everyone.
2. I told Froader that person that slashed tires would get bolder, and they followed up by slashing more tires; and if someone slashed my tires, I'd be concerned until I found out otherwise;
3. The gentleman from Ill that said I was wrong about vehicle seizures; I wasn't wrong.
4. And to reiterate, fattyb.
5. I advised that posting of other peoples lic plates is not a good thing; they were blurred later -

These things might sound silly to you, but I have my perspective. Just as I wouldn't try to tell someone how to repair a transmission on a car they just bought, I could help them in some other way. Maybe I do know a little something about law, but it sounds pretty weird, I admit, the way it's posted.

Sorry about the number of posts, I'll try to be less talkative... and I have an appointment to speak with GG about the lifts. They do their own lifting, but they also have another company that helps with overflow. Either way, I'm not posting stupid things. I stand by what I say, and I listen to those of you that know what you're talking about when it comes to vehicles - all aspects.

So, I don't mind being called a nut, but don't call my postings stupid please. And I don't mind that you disagree, I'm not offended :cool:

As soon as the topic of the lift has concluded, I will let you know if the lift if marketable - I don't want one that high, but some people do... 3rd gens.

Sorry we are so rough on you. Perhaps your contributions would be more appreciated at

They were very open...

FYI: License plates are property of the State that you reside in. You do not own them, so posting something that travels in plain view with you ALL the time doesn't really matter.
If "they" want to find you, they will. Granted it's a Vanity Plate, names are kinda iffy.

Back to the topic @ hand..... When do we get pics?
I highly doubt they will tell you much. It would be nice but I just don't see it happening. Not to mention the fact that the pics don't help if we don't have detailed information about the install itself.

The lic plate issue is for other people's privacy, that's all.

They were the best!

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If you want your vehicle done like that, they will do it...

Does anyone Know exactly how to do this. Coil spacers and modified body lift? Does anyone know exactly what Good Guys Auto Sales uses for their lifts and where to get it, or have pics of the setup on a Good Guys lift.
Or pics or links to pic of any lifted 3rd gens.
Please don't post "there are no lifts made for 3rd gens." or useless posts


You were correct, it was useless to post without actually doing a little research as you requested. I apologize to you for posting against what you asked. Please accept my apologies. Thank you.
