Lift for 33s ? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Lift for 33s ?

falls guy

Well-Known Member
February 9, 2005
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City, State
St. Catherines, ON
Year, Model & Trim Level
'91 XLT
I want to fit 33s on my 1st gen. How much of a suspension lift do I need in order to do this. How much can I lift the front end before I need to go with different radius arms or brackets? There are no other Ex's wheeling around here and I'm sick of sitting back watching all of these Jeeps and Suzi's with 33s and 35s make the Ex look bad. It sucks going around all of the fun holes and watching them go through. Help!

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Over 2" upfront you will need to get drop brackets or extended Radius arms.

Of course you could go 2" skyjacker lift and 3" body lift. That will fit 33"s

In vauge terms of 'lift', you need 4" or more to clear 33"s, that is without much fender trimmy. the more lift, the less trimming.

You could fit 33"s stock hight with perrys fiberglass. Zhanx did that on his second gen.

What it boils down to is a 6" skyjacker lift, or a 5.5 superlift... which would be a great candiate for 33"S or 35"s, with minimal fender trimming. Go skyjacker =)

ive got 3" bl and f150 coil spacers, and shackel lift, run 33"s and never rubbed and never did any fender trimming.

BigDave!!! said:
i though zhanx had the 3" body lift too

oh i dunno... yep yr right, i read his thread on it.

i remember theRookie said he had 3" body lift with perrys, and fit 35"S... dont see why 33"s wont fit at stock hight haha.

it all depends...some people cant even fit 31s stock. i could with tons of room...shoot im gonna fit 33s with my TT/AAL/WAR153 and only a 2 inch BL...we'll see

4" will fit 33s perfect. Granted in this pic I have glass fenders up front, but they fit without them too. I'll find that picture of it after I just lifted it later.


I agree that 33's would fit with a 2 inch suspension lift and a 2-3 inch body lift. with the 3 inch body lift your should have minimal trimming

4" will fit 33s perfect. Granted in this pic I have glass fenders up front, but they fit without them too. I'll find that picture of it after I just lifted it later.

Is that 4" suspension only? It doesn't look like the body is lifted. How did you lift it 4"?

if you want narrow tires, a 3 inch lift will fit 33x9.50..i had that setup before.

I have 4" with 33x10.5s and it works great.

Yeah, I want to run the 33x9.5s. Do you think it would work with a 2.5 inch lift like the james duff lift? My fear is on stock rims Id be making the ride height 4.5 inches higher without the track getting any wider. Would my explorer tip over in a stiff breeze? :confused:

Yes, suspension only. It's the Trailmaster 4" kit. I don't like body lifts.

Thanks man. That's exactly what I wanted to hear. I don't see the sense in body lifts if it possible to acheive tire size without it. That looks awesome without the frame hangin way out from under the truck.

What are those kits worth and where could I order a brand new one from?
