lift idea | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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lift idea


Well-Known Member
December 4, 2004
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City, State
Mission Viejo, CA
Year, Model & Trim Level
97 XLT 4x4
i originally thought about spindles for front and back because of the front and rear arms, but then i realized that the axle still goes to the from what i hear the independent rear suspension has coils, correct me if i'm wrong, but couldnt you just get lift coils for that.

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u still have the CV angle issue

Do what the hummers do and have the cv axle go into a gear drive that'll then feed down to the actual spindle/hub and will act like normal. Hummer H1s atleast, I don't know how the H2s and whtever else are set up.


ExplorerDMB said:
Do what the hummers do and have the cv axle go into a gear drive that'll then feed down to the actual spindle/hub and will act like normal.
ahah yeah wont that be a challenge.

ExplorerDMB said:
I don't know how the H2s and whtever else are set up.
just look under a Tahoe ;)

