Lifted Sport Tracs Picture Thread! | Page 27 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Lifted Sport Tracs Picture Thread!

Took a trip to the roof of the parking garage during my lunchbreak :)


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Thats awesome. I'm dying to get out on the trails again.

Love every pic on this page! Luke awesome photo work on that garage roof one!

Love every pic on this page! Luke awesome photo work on that garage roof one!


hey luke, im not trying to be sarcastic, but what are you using on those pics? instagram? those pics are great.

If I'm just doing a simple filter, then instagram, but I've recently been using PicsPlay Pro on Android as well to play with the photos

I have like 4 programs on my phone for filter/ editing but nothing cool to take a pic of :(

Safe to say that your pics are prolly my favorites Luke... you made it in my screensaver slideshow


add-a-leaf / torsion twist lifted sitting a solid two inchs higher in front and 1.75 inchs in the rear, still on stock 235's till they burn out then upping to a 32" tire on stock rims and 3/8 hub-centric spacers

Dakota, what kind of toolbox is that? How does it get secured on the bed? Been thinkin bout making my bed smaller, because there isn't much storage room in the ST when you have passengers

For some reason I like how the gas tank and the mud seems to spell OFF on the back!

not sure of the brand but it is 60" from rail to rail and 54" in between the rails and only 10" deep and 20" in length. its a split style lid (two lids) any small truck style box will work up to a 15" depth cause any more of that and the lower anchor mounts need to be removed and you will fit the inner fender

i used #8 machine bolts with a course thread and put 5 on each side into the rails and its holding so far with tow ropes two hitch bars, three balls, 2 gallons of water, a single quart of eng. oil, and trans oil. i have around 200 pounds in it and it dont shift or move

I have mine attached with... uhmmm... well it's not attached lol, I used foam rubber and it seems to work alright. It's only shifted once on me, and I don't have that much in it.

SouthernSAR said:
I have mine attached with... uhmmm... well it's not attached lol, I used foam rubber and it seems to work alright. It's only shifted once on me, and I don't have that much in it.

Dayum that seems risky!

Heres my other trac =) just kidding, my dad spotted this one while we were out at lunch-


This thing was huge! with 35's on 20's! I would personally put on smaller/different wheels but she was a beauty.

Looks good, looks like SOA in the rear.

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Some pics from yesterday




Last one is my favorite. Straight up Luke style.
