Liftgate backup camera trim/housing with washer part numbers | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Liftgate backup camera trim/housing with washer part numbers


Well-Known Member
September 22, 2018
Reaction score
City, State
Detroit, Michigan
Year, Model & Trim Level
2014 Explorer XLT RRM
What are the part numbers or names on these 2016 or whenever 5th generation explorers that have washing jets aimed at the rearview camera? Two videos below show what I'm talking about. I can't seem to find an expanded view with the part I want on Ford's site under either the backup camera or the liftgate trim subsections. Any ideas on how to get the part numbers for this backup camera washer trim housing for 2016-ish years? I am trying to upgrade my 2014 XLT liftgate to squirt blue juice on my backup camera lens. Its 2020 and I've wiped my backup camera lens a dozen times in as many days. Help me out here...


That's close, but it's really the black plastic housing behind the silver Explorer badge in those videos. A horizontal soffit piece if-you-will that contains the backup camera assembly, two license lamps, is held on by 4 screws/bolts. You see it by squatting down a bit behind the vehicle and looking up at the EXPLORER.

Runningonfords, Good luck.. I tried to piece together a solution from ford parts and even bought a part off a 16 for my 15.. everything was so different I just gave up and said screw to hear of your success..
