Looking at a 97 Explorer Sport | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Looking at a 97 Explorer Sport


New Member
November 17, 2015
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92 Lumina
Hey guys, as the title say, I'm looking at buying a 97 Explorer Sport from a friend. What do I need to really pay attention to to make sure there isn't anything going to fail soon (aside from the norm, no weird noises or leaks). Let me know if you need more specific information.

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Is it an OHV or SOHC engine? The OHV has slightly less
power but is more reliable due to timing chain tensioner
problems with the SOHC.

Check the coolant overflow tank for tiny bubbles when the
engine is running. That's a clue to a blown headgasket or
cracked head.

Give it a long road test & make sure the O/D light doesn't start blinking & the trans shifts good into all gears.

You don't mention where you are posting from but... see if you can be there for the first start on a cold morning. The SOHC tends to have the upper and lower manifold gaskets shrink over time and allow vacuum leaks. Especially noticeable on cold morning starts, but can cause hard starting in general. Also, test the fuel pressure if you have the eqpt to do so.

Make sure the heater/ac/vents cycle through all the settings and blow hot/cold, etc. Search 'blend door problem' and you'll see what I mean.

I have an '97 Sport with a rebuilt SOHC engine in it. We bought it over a year and a half ago with 223K on it. It now has near 270K and, while I'm not a big fan of the SOHC engine, it's honestly been a reliable vehicle. It suffers from the usual Gen II explorer problems, but the biggest repair I've had to make to it so far has been a water pump. I originally figured if we got 50K and 2 years use out of it we'd have gotten our money's worth out of it ($1400), but it looks like it was exceed my expectations. It needs to have it's intake gaskets/O-rings replaced now that's it's getting cold out. I have the gasket set, just not the time right now. It'll take me about 3-4 hours to change them.

One minor thing to check is the third brake light. The tend to fail. I replaced mine with an LED strip. $12 fix.

Other than the timing chains and ball joints/hubs, check it out as you would any old used vehicles. Look for leaks, noises and see what doesn't work.

Give it a long road test & make sure the O/D light doesn't start blinking & the trans shifts good into all gears.
This this this. Fucked me over good, I went on a 10 minute ride around city streets but when I drove home on the highway I got the o/d blinking and it needed a trans rebuild.

This this this. Fucked me over good, I went on a 10 minute ride around city streets but when I drove home on the highway I got the o/d blinking and it needed a trans rebuild.

That is why I mentioned it. The 99 Sport my wife & I bought a few months ago when we road tested the truck we drove it about 15 minutes around town & now it has the blinking O/D light after driving it on the highway for about 20 minutes, but the trans shifts fine. I am just worried it will need a rebuild but it only cost us $1300 & has only 82K miles.
