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Looking at a BII

jake the snake

Well-Known Member
March 23, 2003
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2002 XLT 4x4 4.0/SOHC

Hopefully someone can give me their opinion on this one.

Here is copied text to 2 CL ads for it...

1987 ford bronco ll 4x4. Only reason I am selling this truck is because I dont drive it a whole lot. Less than a thousand miles ago.............New head gaskets, heads were pressure checked and shaved, valves were checked also, new intake,exhaust manifold gaskets, new plugs, wires, had to put new fuel injectors in also, the injectors were clogged when I bought the truck. New catalytic converter,muffler and tailpipe. Its a manual 5speed with a 2.9v6. A/c isnt working but has compressor on it. Has very good tires and doesnt need any work done to it to drive anywhere you would like. Checked it the other day and it was getting 24mg on the highway. Interior looks very good and the body also is in good condition. I would also consider a trade or partial trade..Ive been looking for a ford ranger with a 4cylinder....But will consider any trade...All you can do is ask. serious inquires only please.

1987 bronco ll 4x4. Runs great. 2.9v6 5speed. Engine has been worked over and needs nothing done to it. 4x4 works great and needs nothing. Has good tires and the truck is in really good condition. All that it doesnt have is ac which I just havent had the time to fix yet. I want to trade for a car or truck that runs good or mite need alittle work, that gets good gas mileage. Would rather have a ford ranger but anything will be considered cause I really need some gas mileage. Would sell but would rather trade. Already have 3 4x4s so this is the one that I could stand to part with. Call if interested and I can get pictures to you.


It is 4 hours from me. It would be a daily driver type vehicle for me. I have about $2000 or so to pick something up to drive for a while.

The big questions I have...

Do I need to find out which 5 spd is in it? (is the m145 that bad?)
If the sticker is gone off the door how can I have the seller get me an axle code??
How much will I be able to tell about the rig with the VIN?
Is there a good resource for all of this info?

Now, about the truck...is it worth $1500? headliner is torn, has a few dents, 50% tires, a/c not working, windshield cracked. Worth it to you?

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$1500 sounds high with having the issues you mentioned. I would say if you can get him down around $1000 (and there's no serious rust), it might be worth it.

The FM145 isn't the greatest trans, though if you don't overwork it, it can last a good while (towing a trailer while in overdrive is probably the worst thing for those trannies).

Gear ratio can be found on the tag on the rear axle if the door sticker is missing.

Lots of BII info over on www.therangerstation.com

Thanks for the info.

I saw that D and 5 designate the different manual transmissions...is this noted in the VIN?

I went to TRS, and was surprised to find an ad posted in the classifieds over there for the rig I'm inquiring about in this thread. Turns out the seller is a member over there.

This b2 has manual hubs and manual trans. Does that specify anything about the rest of the drivetrain? As in perhaps it could only be equipped with LSD type diffs, or a certain gear ratio?

Also, I know about towing in OD, but a question about towing in general with this rig, could it tow a pop-up camper without asking for trouble?
Thanks again...
