Looking For A New So. Cal. Wheeling Spot | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Looking For A New So. Cal. Wheeling Spot


Well-Known Member
September 2, 2003
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OC, Ca
Year, Model & Trim Level
2003 Expo Sport
Ok. The boys and I have worn out all our local dirt play grounds. We have played at the following: Holy Jims, Halls Mansion, Blue Jay or Wildomar, Siverado Canyon Rd. and Hungry Valley. Where else can we go thats near by?! Help! Thank you! -Jeff

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Only place I can think of close to you and 2wd friendly is Azusa canyon but thats not saying much. It cost $5 to get in and there's really not much to do once you're in. There's some mud to play in and some small hills to climb around. Other than that, not too many places I can think of for 2wd.

I was thinking Azusa too, and since it looks like you are willing to drive a bit, (you go to Hungry Valley from Orange County), also search for Rowher Flats, trails off of Lockwood Valley road in Frazier Park, Cleghorn Ridge, and Santiago Peak. There's stuff around there a 2wd can enjoy.

Actually Azusa will only let you in if your 4WD. They'll actually look under your truck for an axle. :banghead: I use to try to get in with my ranger all the time.

Unless you go on the weekdays, when there's no one there. But that's kinda dumb, because if you get stuck....well! :rolleyes:

If you want some fun and adventure though. You can try Rincon Shortcut Trail. It's right there at Azusa Caynon. You'll need a combo from the ranger station. It's 26 miles long of switch backs, with great views! It will take you from Azusa Canyon (hwy 39) to Angeles Crest (Hwy 2).

There are a number of trails on the Angeles National Forest that are locked but you can get a temporary combo. Might want to check soon cause of fire season closures.


Here's the number for the Angeles District Office I work at 818 899-1900. They should be able to direct you and give you some additional info.

You also may want to try the Clevland National Forest. They may also give out temporary combos.


Los Coyotes Indian Reservation, one of the best places I have wheeled to date, all different types of terrain, and its not TOOO far...it is $15 for a day though I think.

Worth every penny. There is some stuff up there my truck will likely never attempt, and thats saying alot because I have BIG plans......

The place that Stic-O said is really cool but do not go around winter time. We went there during late winter early spring time and it started to hail on us and then it snowed on us. But that trail is really cool the rangers at Azusa Canyon will give you the combo and a sticker and it free which is even cooler.

You guys could always try the desert there are tons of places in the Mojave Desert.

Truckhaven is one of the best places I have ever wheeled too, TONS of fun, but the desert is tooooo damn hot most times.

What is wrong with hail and snow?
Heck we got snowed on in Big Bear late april!!

GIJOE said:
The place that Stic-O said is really cool but do not go around winter time. We went there during late winter early spring time and it started to hail on us and then it snowed on us. But that trail is really cool the rangers at Azusa Canyon will give you the combo and a sticker and it free which is even cooler.

You guys could always try the desert there are tons of places in the Mojave Desert.
I went there in my ranger(4x2) once when it started snowing. It was crazy! I got about half way with about 1" of snow on the ground and just started spinnig tires. Even with muds I desided....Maybe it's time to turn around! Very cool I have pics someware :rolleyes: Last time I went (about 1-1.5 ago) there was a tree that had fallen, that you had to drive under. I just made it under with 31's and TT/shac. If it's still there...I'd never make it past that point.

Us 4 bys should do a trip up there when it snows. That would be awsome! :D

Yeah, deserts are always fun like Ocotillo Wells, Truckhaven and Mohave but summer is just about here and its gonna be about 100 degrees this weekend and only getting hotter from there so best to wait until fall/winter unless you like it hot.

Well I am headed out to ROR tomorrow for the Jump Champs, its gonna be friggin HOT, I have no AC but I really could care less at this point, its gonna be FUN

ROR? jump champs? Please clue me in on what and where that is Jaime :confused:

Sounds like a blast but I gotta work tomorrow :frustrate but on the bright side that money is going towards a locker :D have fun out there and take some pics for us.

I will be at the jump champs tomorrow maybe I will see you out there.

Thanks for all the input guys. Azusa sounds cool. I like mud. :p I will check it out. In the mean time, there are a good amount of So Cal guys, lets get together and get a little dirt on our explorer. Let me know guys. -Jeff

Ok so if I go out to Azusa Canyon, like this weekend, will I get in? I am a little 2WD boy. Will there be some mud to play in? How do I get there? Thanks -Jeff

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No you will not get in you have to have a 4wd to get into Azusa Canyon.
