Loud beeeeeep when accelerating hard | Page 3 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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That doesn't look like an OEM OBD port. You may have something like the below on your vehicle. Only you or someone in the vehicle will be able to poke around and find it. You need to get under the dash and have a look around. If it has GPS, it should be mounted as high as possible, so you may really have to look around.



Fleet Tracker OBD

Optional Driver Behavior Buzzer Included. If you wish to use this feature, we can configure the device to trigger buzzer alert when speeding, excessive idling, rapid acceleration, deceleration, or hard cornering. A high pitched continuous audible “beep-beep” alerts the driver whenever they are exceeding thresholds mandated and set by their supervisor. This feature by default is off, but we can turn it on at no additional charge.

For those vehicles, where the OBD port is in an intrusive location, we have available a splitter cable,which allows you to install the gps tracker in a more covert fashion.

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That doesn't look like an OEM OBD port. You may have something like the below on your vehicle. Only you or someone in the vehicle will be able to poke around and find it. You need to get under the dash and have a look around. If it has GPS, it should be mounted as high as possible, so you may really have to look around.



Fleet Tracker OBD

Optional Driver Behavior Buzzer Included. If you wish to use this feature, we can configure the device to trigger buzzer alert when speeding, excessive idling, rapid acceleration, deceleration, or hard cornering. A high pitched continuous audible “beep-beep” alerts the driver whenever they are exceeding thresholds mandated and set by their supervisor. This feature by default is off, but we can turn it on at no additional charge.

For those vehicles, where the OBD port is in an intrusive location, we have available a splitter cable,which allows you to install the gps tracker in a more covert fashion.
Your amazing! That's what I was trying to find thru the research I was doing yesterday and couldn't find! Thank you thank you!

Just curious how you cleared the My Key settings if you only had one key?

Any update?
Well it's hardwired into the deck, so I'm going to have to get someone to pull the deck out to turn off the alarm. But it is an OBD Y harness and I got that part unplugged and the OEM OBD port back in place

Well it's hardwired into the deck, so I'm going to have to get someone to pull the deck out to turn off the alarm. But it is an OBD Y harness and I got that part unplugged and the OEM OBD port back in place
Are you saying that it still sounds even with it disconnected from the OBD port?
