Lowered on 31s...wtf? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Lowered on 31s...wtf?


New Member
September 27, 2011
Reaction score
City, State
Medford, OR
Year, Model & Trim Level
2005 Sport Trac
I took my 22s off for the winter and slapped on some 31 10 15s. Wheels will be painted black soon like the crappy iPhone photoshop in the last pic
By the way the truck is lowered 3" all the way around with no rubbing



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I like the paint job, definetely looks different without the 22's. I'd leave the outlaw wheels unpainted and just polish them up with some Mother's Polished Aluminum Polish, you'd be amazed how nice those will clean up and shine with about 30 minutes to an hour's worth of work.

looks stupid either way. very ghetto/hood rich.

Did you really just say "hood rich"? Haha trust me when I say I value your opinion immensely

wow kacz. mature.

looks stupid either way. very ghetto/hood rich.

Thats just your opnion my good sir. However this aint exactly my style either I did want to post however and agree with the 31s wtf subject. i did not know this was possible. Do like the paint job and am curious in the direction you want to take this in.

He runs nice 22" rims and tires in the summer, these are just winter hweels and tires.

this belongs in the "get your roll on video" from 2000.
