Manual Locking Hub Conversion | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Manual Locking Hub Conversion


New Member
November 28, 2011
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Year, Model & Trim Level
1991 Ford Explorer Sport
Hello all, I was wondering which Axle I have in my 91 Explorer Sport...but more importantly I simply MUST get rid of these damn Auto hubs. I was also wondering if the manual lockers on the Ranger fit the Explorer?

I have one other issue.....I lent my Explorer to a friend....No longer a friend.... WHO aside form SPRAY PAINTING MY VEHICLE WHITE......also smacked up my front end.... My passenger side wheel is now crooked top to bottom...the top is out and the bottom is pushed in....

What do I need to do to correct that? Just pull the portion that allows the wheel to turn left and right? I mean its a solid axle up there....cant believe she bent that spindle...

PLEASE advise.

Also I have been a mechanic (High Level Hobbyist) for over 25 yrs.... I rebuild engines in motorcycles, cars anything really....The only thing I dont repair are any advice you can offer will be a huge help and I can deal with the mechanical aspects of all of it, so dont be shy please....I am a very experienced wrench. Just dont know all the 4WD details that I should about my truck.

AH HAH ....I'm reading thru some of the very useful info in the Stickies.....nice writeups.... I think I CAN use the ranger hubs on my Exploder.....The reason I ask is that my U-Pull it yard usually have more intact Rangers than Explorers. I have seen several with manual lockers on them...and always wondered if I could put them on my Exploder, thats all

The front of your X is a Dana 35 TTB, Rangers have a Dana 35 as well as a Dana 28 flavor out there. The spline count on the axles is differentiating them.

Geez...what are you guys 10 ? spray painting your car white and smacking up the front end ! That gave me a chuckle...Seriously though, warn locking hubs are great and so are mile markers. Warns are probably better but I just changed mine over to milemarker nd they work great. i am not doing any heavy duty stump pulling or snow plowing so mile markers are fine...

As far as your front end, the damage you describe may be intensive and can't be diagnosed on-line without a lot more information...
