Map upgrade A6 ISSUE | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Map upgrade A6 ISSUE


June 23, 2015
Reaction score
City, State
Miami, FLA
Year, Model & Trim Level
2011 Explorer Limited 4WD
Just received my new A6 sd card. I removed the A3 card and inserted the new A6. Now what ?? Nothing happened.
Sync is still showing A3 as the active map.
Did i miss a step somewhere??

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Just received my new A6 sd card. I removed the A3 card and inserted the new A6. Now what ?? Nothing happened.
Sync is still showing A3 as the active map.
Did i miss a step somewhere??

I thought it was plug and play, so I'm very curious if there is any other way to install an updated SD card.

Just received my new A6 sd card. I removed the A3 card and inserted the new A6. Now what ?? Nothing happened.
Sync is still showing A3 as the active map.
Did i miss a step somewhere??

Try Master Reset, then a power cycle by disconnecting the blue connector on the + battery terminal.

Try this:
  • Car should be off when changing SD card.
  • confirm its A3 for NA/CA
  • insert A3,
  • turn car on and check its working
  • turn car off
  • Confirm A6 is NA/CA
  • insert A6
  • turn on car
  • see if it loads up
  • if it does input destination route and check if its ok.

If it doesnt work, did you get this card from a reliable source?
Even an eBay A6 card - should try to buy OEM in the package, ...these cards cannot be copied.

Success, all is well now working with A6.

Thanks to all who posted.

Success, all is well now working with A6.

Thanks to all who posted.

How did you get it working, or did it just start on it's own? Also, is there a way to verify what SD card working via the touch screen in settings or something like that?

I thought it was plug and play, so I'm very curious if there is any other way to install an updated SD card.
How did you get it working, or did it just start on it's own? Also, is there a way to verify what SD card working via the touch screen in settings or something like that?

Hi Sixonemale,

It is plug and play, but sometimes a key cycle is needed to refresh the information on the settings screen. This can be done by turning off the Explorer, opening the driver side door, closing the door, and restarting the Explorer. To verify the SD card version, you can either take it out of the SD slot and look at the sticker, or press the following on the MFT screen:


I hope that helps!

Success, all is well now working with A6.

Thanks to all who posted.

I'm glad to see you were able to get this resolved, Gablesdad!


I did not turn off the EX after installing SD. When I went back to EX after reading suggestions A6 was up and running, LOVE the new features !!

Excellent update, can be bought on ebay for $25

I wish each map update listed the revision location i.e. cities changed. In the past, with a different car manufacturer, the updates listed the changes and it helped me decide whether the latest map version was necessary.

My maps have been crap since the day I bought the vehicle. I have a 2015, and often while using the navigation, it'll show me driving WAY off a road, in a field, or completely off the map. I have already had my vehicle in several times for other things, and they always tell me I have to bring it back to get the electronics fixed. I don't have the time to keep making appointments to get this stuff corrected, so it has basically just sat there, unfixed.

My maps have been crap since the day I bought the vehicle. I have a 2015, and often while using the navigation, it'll show me driving WAY off a road, in a field, or completely off the map. I have already had my vehicle in several times for other things, and they always tell me I have to bring it back to get the electronics fixed. I don't have the time to keep making appointments to get this stuff corrected, so it has basically just sat there, unfixed.

Perhaps they need to update the GPSM calibration -

SSM 45215 - SYNC/MyFord And MyLincoln Touch - Navigation Displays Incorrect - Unable To Locate Vehicle - Built On Or Before 9/30/2014
Some 2013-2015 vehicles equipped with SYNC and/or MyFord Touch, MyLincoln Touchand built on or before 9/30/2014 may exhibit a voice prompt indicating SYNC Services Traffic, Directions or Information (TDI) is unable to locate the vehicle. MyFord Touch equipped vehicles with navigation may also exhibit the vehicle location displayed off road from the current vehicle position, the last known vehicle location being displayed instead of current location, a screen message indicating a Navigation Fault. Reprogram the Global Positioning Satellite Module (GPSM)to the latest calibration using IDS release 96.02 or higher.

Perhaps they need to update the GPSM calibration -

SSM 45215 - SYNC/MyFord And MyLincoln Touch - Navigation Displays Incorrect - Unable To Locate Vehicle - Built On Or Before 9/30/2014
Some 2013-2015 vehicles equipped with SYNC and/or MyFord Touch, MyLincoln Touchand built on or before 9/30/2014 may exhibit a voice prompt indicating SYNC Services Traffic, Directions or Information (TDI) is unable to locate the vehicle. MyFord Touch equipped vehicles with navigation may also exhibit the vehicle location displayed off road from the current vehicle position, the last known vehicle location being displayed instead of current location, a screen message indicating a Navigation Fault. Reprogram the Global Positioning Satellite Module (GPSM)to the latest calibration using IDS release 96.02 or higher.
Thanks. I'll bring that up to the service department.

Yep, I noticed when I just switched a map nothing happened. Took some time and then switched to new map. Same is happening when you downgrade to previous version, it keeps showing later map for a little bit.
