Massive Coolant Leak When A/C IS On | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Massive Coolant Leak When A/C IS On


New Member
February 4, 2023
Reaction score
City, State
Wichita, Kansas
Year, Model & Trim Level
2017 FPIU Ecoboost
I loose about half a gallon of coolant in 10 minutes when then any kind of air is on when driving nothing when idle. The a/c has completely stopped working fan doesn't blow air with a/c on/off or when I turn heat on. When I am driving I hearba loud buzzing maybe from the a/c compressor. I beileve this happened from a accident a month ago they hit the passenger side damaging the tire, rim, fender, fender trim, and bumper. I had my alternator replaced 2 weeks ago and this happened a few days after I got it back from the dealer. I was low on cooland day after accident just below minimum line then 2 weeks and 2000+ miles later it was back below minimum I figured it nust needed a flush as it was still on motorcraft orange. Another week goes buy I decided I am going to finally do a flush and then the alternator dies. Anyone know where the coolant is coming from hoping it is a line or something and not the compressor? Doesn't apear to be from the weep hole as I checked the oil for coolant and alternator is bone dry.

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Sounds like the engine is overheating causing coolant to puke out. You'll have to inspect carefully to find where the cooling is escaping. Not something that the internet is going to be able to pinpoint.

You'll also need to fix the cooling fans and the A/C.

Is the coolant leaking externally causing a puddle under the car when it is parked with the A/C on?


Is the coolant leaking externally causing a puddle under the car when it is parked with the A/C on?

Before it stopped working yes but nothing now that it isn't working at all unless I press the pedal for a minute or 2

Sounds like the engine is overheating causing coolant to puke out. You'll have to inspect carefully to find where the cooling is escaping. Not something that the internet is going to be able to pinpoint.

You'll also need to fix the cooling fans and the A/C.
Not overheating unless I have a/c on for lack of coolant and the cooling fans are working
