max AC...what??? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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max AC...what???

jared ajlouny

Well-Known Member
September 8, 2003
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City, State
san jose, california
Year, Model & Trim Level
'95 XLT 4X4
ok on my explorer with the dials for air and everything it says AC than max AC, what is max AC and why do they have it.

oh yea my air conditioning has a leak somewhere is there a way i can find out where the leak is my self by putting some colored liqid ina nd runnning it or do i have to let the shop do it?????

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max a/c is the recirculating mode.

To further clarify Alec's answer, in normal A/C or vent position the A/C pulls fresh air from the cowl vent. When turned to Max A/C the blend air door closes the fresh air vent and recirculates the air inside the vehicle. This causes the A/C to cool the vehicle interior quicker and more efficiantly by contiually cooling the same air, and not trying to continusly cool the hotter fresh air.

People like you is why i joined this site Thanx

It's people like u that make this site a good one. ur da'man Mrboyle :cool:

Also Ford recommends you running the A/C on max air instead of recirculating air due to moisture. Your vehicle's drip pan will fill up fast in the summer when running A/C from outside air.

anyone know how i can fix it, other wise i will never be able to get to use the max ac

Fix what. the compressor?

i had it hooked up to a machine and they said that there is a leak somewhere, i want to find where the leak is

Try this site:

It's where the leak was in my '94. A new accumulator is about $60.00. I checked mine by removing it, pressurizing it and checked for bubbles. Even if the leak isn't in the accumulator the accumulator should be replaced when you have a leak since the absorbent inside it gets full of moisture from the air that leaked in.

While you're at it, I would also remove the orfice (about $5.00 to $10.00-special tool required) since it has a screen to catch wear debries, so you can determine the condition of the compressor. Mine had two or three abnormal wear particles (cutting wear), not the quantity I would associate with a compressor disinagrating. It's still in use a year later.

The owner's manual did not mention anything about leaving the Max A/C on all to time to prevent humidity buildup in the cabin. It only stated to leave the A/C on at all times. I believe that it's better leaving the Norm A/C on all the time to help prevent the growth of mold in the ducting system because of the moisture from the operation of Max A/C.

where is the acculilator located?

The accumulator is located in the engine compartment just ahead of the blower and heater core. It should have a sleeve on it that looks the ones used for keeping a can of beer cold.
The orfice tube is located just underneath the accumulator. It is best reached by taking off the front passenger side tire.

I suggest you go slow and ask plenty of questions.

oh, so this is gunna be a big project?

ok i found it, should i take it out and remove the sleave and start from there?

It's going to need a vacuum pump, at the least. If you have worries I'd take it to a pro.

what does the vacum pump do????

I agree with Glacier that it's going to need a vacuum pump, but I would work on finding the leak first. Based on my limited experience and what I've read of others', the first place I would look is the accumulator. Did you do a search on airconditioning?

yea, but i had to go to school so for like only 15 min

so should i take off that blanket and see if there is anything there????

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You might be able to spot a leak that way, but for me, I had started to remove the airconditioning system (I had been told it was going to cost over $1,000 to fix and I figured why haul the extra weight around that only gets in the way when I need to work on the engine) when I spotted a funny looking spot on the inside of the blanket for the accumulator. I checked it with my blacklight, it was a leak indicator, I don't know who put it in. I wasn't sure if there was a hole or not so I rigged up an air line and put the accumulator in water. Sure enough, bubbles.

You may need a special tool to disconnect the lines to the accumulator and one to remove the orfice tube. They don't cost much. Auto zone I know lends the orfice tube remover.
