Meaty Beaty Big and Bouncy 35x15.50 Swampers | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Meaty Beaty Big and Bouncy 35x15.50 Swampers

I wanted more track width and stability, hopefully this will do it.

I'm keeping one MTR for a spare.


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They are as tall as my 35" MTRs but way wider.


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I let the air down to 6 pounds and they hold up real well, but lay down a nice foot print. Can't wait to try them out.

For an extra $100 a set they siped the tires for more grip.


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They look really really nice. I'm not familiar with that tread pattern which ones are those?

holy crap! looks like you could drive straight up a wall with those meats ;)

Swamper SX bias plys. The center lugs are siped.

I want to say a bunch of cuswords starting with

HOLLY ...................

That looks great Rick!

I like them allloooottt!

That is going to make your life so much easier.
My bigest concern with your truck was the width. I thought you had a tendancy to get a little tippy.
The solid front axel helped and these are the iceing on the cake.
Good going.
What backspacing do you have on the rims and what size are they?

I have got a freind who said he would hook me up with a fabbed axel for the swap. He owns a small axel shop in Gilbert.

Rims are 15x10s with a "standard" backspace. I believe it's about 3" but quote me on that.

To quote Bill and Ted...

" Not worthy, Not worthy"

Those are huge!


Tires look AWSOME Rick. Well they still tuck in the fender?

It is always good to go wide if you go high is my motto

We've used the winch to pull the Dodge out of the sand at Truck Haven :D We've used it a lot to pull other people :D

I've seen those on a few jeeps done here and got instant rubber envy!:eek:


Would love to get them , but gawd - my poor D35 is already b!thc!ng at me for the tires I've got. I need to save for a better front end....

The list goes on - thanks!


As I'm sure ya know Rick, I definately say great choice! Can't go wrong with a swamper for wheelin!

I have been on the other end of Ricks winch:eek:
It was either that or flip over
Thanks Rick:D

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Originally posted by Rick
For an extra $100 a set they siped the tires for more grip.

Congrats on the SX's. I love both sets of mine. They are unmatched in strength and traction.

FWIW - From the looks of your picture your tires are grooved not siped.
