Mice chewed on vacuum lines | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Mice chewed on vacuum lines


Active Member
January 14, 2020
Reaction score
City, State
Bonny Doon, CA
Year, Model & Trim Level
1999 Mercury Mountaineer
I’m trying to revive my 1999 SOHC 4WD Mountaineer. Mice chewed vacuum lines and I need help understanding which parts I need to buy/replace.
I have attached pictures showing the chewed up lines. Hopefully that all the damage done. Fingers crossed.

Next, I want to remove the battery, air box, and intake manifold, so I can see better, cleanup the mice poop and acorns, etc…

Can someone advise me about the broken lines? Where to find replacements? Part numbers?

Also, which forum is the best for my generation explorer? There are so many websites and groups, I wonder were I should post this message?

Thanks a lot.







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The grey lines will be vacuum source,

Green from egr solenoid to egr valve. Red goes to fuel pressure regulator.

Is there a junk yard , auto recyclers near you? If so, that's a good source for the lines.

I’m a fan of replacing them with rubber vac hoses. That’s what I did with mine as they broke. The plastic ones get brittle from age and heat, and crack when disturbed.

Bulk rubber is cheap, get a bunch of appropriately sized vacuum barbs.

The grey lines will be vacuum source,

Green from egr solenoid to egr valve. Red goes to fuel pressure regulator.

Is there a junk yard , auto recyclers near you? If so, that's a good source for the lines.
Thanks for the info about the color.
There’s a junked explorer nearby but unfortunately it’s also a rats nest, and the vacuum lines are chewed up too.
The nearest junkyard is 1.5 hours away.

I’m a fan of replacing them with rubber vac hoses. That’s what I did with mine as they broke. The plastic ones get brittle from age and heat, and crack when disturbed.

Bulk rubber is cheap, get a bunch of appropriately sized vacuum barbs.
Thanks. I just went on Amazon and ordered 2 spools of vacuum hose, 2mm and 3mm. They will arrive Friday or Saturday.

This is my first time repairing vacuum hoses, so I appreciate your help and advice.

This morning I removed the battery and battery tray. Underneath is an EVAP component, on the diagram it shows as “VMV” and EVAP Service Port.

Please look at the pictures below. Is that white vacuum hose the correct one? It seems to connect the VMV to somewhere underneath the intake manifold.


Yes, I think that is correct.

Most vacuum sources will be underneath the upper plennum. One good thing about vacuum, as long as everything has it, the lines can be crossed. except for pcv and brake booster, all the source sizes are the same.

Use good vacuum hose. Some cheap crap types will collapse when hot and switch off vacuum while the engine is running.

I've had good luck with silicone hose. Replaced my plastic lines long ago.

Thanks all for your advice.

I removed the air box, it was full of mice poop and acorns.

Underneath is the vacuum “sphere” with 2 black lines. Both lines are chewed (see picture). Where do they go?

Next I’m gonna remove the coolant and washer fluid reservoirs.


The picture below shows the 2 vacuum lines coming from the sphere, chewed.

There’s a black line going towards the firewall (pointed by the screwdriver) and another line going towards the intake manifold (second screwdriver).

I bet this is where the lines from the sphere connect?

Which lines goes where?


This thread shows. There is a supply side and slave side to the globe reservoir, so, the connection which can be reversed needs to be correct

Scroll in for pictures

Great progress, thanks!

So, 2 lines from the vacuum sphere, one goes to firewall, one goes to manifold.

Now I need to know which one is which. I’m gonna read the article you linked. Thanks.

And I found the heater core bypass valve, it’s underneath the alternator. The picture shows the chewed line. One side goes to the bypass valve and the other side is the grey line from the firewall.

