mn car totalled in colorado- help! | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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mn car totalled in colorado- help!


Elite Explorer
October 18, 2001
Reaction score
City, State
Red Wing, MN
Year, Model & Trim Level
1996 xlt

so i think my car is totalled in colorado...


vis cf hood
motegi racing 18s
piaa 520s converted to HID
moving HIDs
vf39 with all the ebay piping stuff, large ebay intercooler, and pro tune with cobb
some nice stereo stuff
enough that i want some of it back if possible/want money out of it

a plow pulled out in front of my little brother (from behind a snow bank)

tips for dealing with insurance?

I'm thinking take it to a non-affiliate shop right away and get an estimate (see if it really is totalled). If it isn't i can deal with letting some shop out there do the repairs etc.- hopefully they won't mind replacing the VIS carbon fiber hood etc..

If it is totalled what am i going to have to go through to get the parts off the car/buy it back?

will i be able to get it towed back here and remove some stuff prior to totalling it? or will i have to buy it back in order to do that?

any experience?

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****! that sucks man. I wish I could tell you something. Good luck man.

Well a total loss is a total loss. Either it is or it isnt, there is some grey but not a lot. That said, taking it to a shop with a decent estimating sofware system and a estimator that cares is half the battle. Look for any shop with I-CAR certificates.

Buying back a total loss is pretty normal and SOME of the time can work out well for the individual. Either you spend the differance out of your own pocket, OR the shop takes certain short cuts, like using used parts or not repairing some damage. Trust the guidance of the shop in this matter. Nine times out of then the will look out for your best intrests.

Towing will be all on you and you would have to buy it back in order to do that.

i won't be able to tow it prior to buying it back or settling?

tips for dealing with insurance? -

You're in MN, and the crash was in CO? You weren't driving? If not, are you covered if someone else is driving?

Damn bro, that sucks bad. Is this the benz we're talking about?

I've got a name of a killer transport compay if you want to get it home. Its always good to get your stuff in your driveway before you and the insurance man start making any decisions. You'll probably pay $500 for that though out of pocket, maybe more if the car won't move on it's own.

thanks- if you can find a way to get it here for less than 1k it will probably be pretty useful.

it's my little brother driving- my insurance should cover him since i just borrowed it to him for the week.

edit- this is the subaru

if it were the benz, wow! lol

it's got about 12k into mods now... i'd be freaking out (well, i am- but i'd probably have a heart attack if this situation happened iwth it and i could be out that kind of money)

Check your policy for coverage... there will be a subsection explaining if coverage is in effect if you/owner are not the operator at the time of the crash. Also, if you are covered, there should be a towing clause - some will cover dollar amounts, some mileage.

Was anyone injured? Was the plow private or government owned (makes a difference)?

sux bout ur car

no one was injured

it was a truck with a plow on it, not a true snow plow

I have a ton of towing coverage from them as well as from AAA- i won't be paying for towing.

I have very good coverage

At this time the vehicle remains your possession. You can request that it be brought back to your residence, and an adjuster will/should visit you. They might tow the car away for inspection at another location. You can also get written estimates from other companies.

But, the insurance company will need the vehicle also... let them have it first. And you can discuss buyback options, if it's totaled, afterward. I would only stress that you confirm you and your vehicle are covered for both liability and comp/coll if you are not the operator at the time of an incident...


so there shouldn't be any reason that it being in colorado makes it different (so far as bringing it to my residence etc.)

is there a time period in which i need to settle with them? a limit?

You should call your insurance company as soon as possible... Unless the other person's insurance (plow) has insurance that will cover your brother and your vehicle - if the plow is at fault. Do you have the other driver's insurance info? They might need to pay for the towing, etc?

best prices by far I've found for shipping

Jeremy- 770-777-4774

He is an affiliate for a terminal to terminal transport company. You save big if you can get the car to one of their terminals (maybe your insurance or AAA will cover), he ships to a terminal close to you, you pick it up there.

I shipped my explorer from Chicago to Phoenix for $750, maybe a few bucks more or less.

yeah, AAA should be able to do that

sorry to get back into this discussion so late.
Yes you can tow it any where prior to the claim.

That depends...

sorry to get back into this discussion so late.
Yes you can tow it any where prior to the claim.

This would be correct if no other party were involved; in other words, a solo vehicle incident where the authorities have concluded their investigation. However, there is another vehicle and another party involved. Moving the vehicle will require notification - advising, at least law enforcement, that the vehicle is being removed. This would be to prevent any confusion should an investigation be pending by any other party.

good point.

it's staying there- insurance is thus far working with me in a manner which i think is fair.

i will look into buying it back, but for now i'm throwing my lot in with the insurance company doing what is right.

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i am considering selling my explorer for around kbb private party value though...
