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mobile 1 ?


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November 26, 2002
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browns mills,nj the pinelands
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93 explorer xl
I just bought mobile 1 syth oil for my next oil change. I have 176,000+ miles. I tried a search, but can i use the normal oil filter (PH8A) from fram or do i need a special filter. It's 3000 miles with normal oil, when should i do an oil change now? can i leave the oil filter on until next oil change? THANKS

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Yes, you can use a regular filter, unless your eally ****. Some use a Mobil 1 filter, but not necessary

I woiuld stay away from FRAM oil filters though, since reading the OIL FILTER STUDY thread and site. A motorcraft FL1A is one of the best.

I change mine every 5000. Some go for 25000, based on amsoil site. I don't doubt the long lasting capabiltiy of synthetics, but it's the dirt that does harm. I figured 3K with dino , 5K with syn, the cost about averages out.

and try the SEARCH, this is a very highly talked about and discussed topic on this forum

I'm still the old school type. Chagne oil ever 3,000 miles or as close as I can get it. I do use Mobil 1 syn. with 85,000 miles.

With your high mileage I'd be sure to do oil and filter changes every 3000 miles to keep the heat down as much as possible. If you go to the auto parts store to buy your filter they usually have a guide book next to all the filters that will give you the model number you need in every brand they carry.

theres a ton of stuff floating around documenting arguments between just about every active member of the forums as to when you should change your oil. personally, i still do mine every 3k, even with mobil 1. some do 5k, some 10k, some go even longer.

as far as which filter to use, you can use any filter. you do NOT have to use a "special" or high quality filter, though, it could only be to your advantage to use a high quality one. i change my filter every 3k with my oil, so i dont bother using pricey filters, but other members leave the filter on longer than their oil change intervals.

Use the M 1 filter.

My last change interval using Amsoil 0w30 was 22k miles, with filter changes at 7.5k.

Originally posted by jobunn
With your high mileage I'd be sure to do oil and filter changes every 3000 miles to keep the heat down as much as possible. .

Please explain that statement.,

Originally posted by aldive
Please explain that statement.,

With that mileage his gaskets are getting old/frail, moving parts are very worn, making it more susceptible to heat, from friction (in part from dirt, metal shavings, breakdown of oils lubricating affect). Frequent oil changes will help.

There is nothing wrong with frequent oil change intervals other than wasting your money, However, I do not see any valadity in your answer.

Originally posted by aldive
There is nothing wrong with frequent oil change intervals other than wasting your money, However, I do not see any valadity in your answer.

Well, as tbomb said, you'll get a different opinion from everyone on this board. But, I don't think I spend a better $180 every year than in oil changes.

Originally posted by jobunn
Well, as tbomb said, you'll get a different opinion from everyone on this board.

yup, thats why i said it; with the hope that this wouldnt turn into another one of those threads. i guess i forgot about aldives complulsive "beating to death" of oil change threads.

What I don't understand is, why, after using dino oil without problems for all those miles, why would you change now? I just don't see the point.

i just want to get the maximum life out of my engine, 176k is alot- i'm also trying to improve gas milage(thats a whole other issue)does a 93 have an egr valve?

But what I'm saying is, at this point, you've used dino oil all this time so I don't think changing to synth now would matter.

BTW, my parents live in Shamong. Not too far from you, I think.:cool:

Well kontinu1, I run Mobil 1 for two reasons.
#1- I have three vehicles all of which are fords and all of which have had mobil 1 in them since I bought them all at around 100 to 160,000 miles on them and have run them to well over 300,000 miles and still going. I put it in my X when new to me at 107,000 miles and have not had one problem. I change at 12,000 mi and motorcraft filter at 6,000.

#2- THERE IS NO BETTER OIL MADE. You will save money on repairs in the long run. Have you ever torn an engine apart that has penzoil in it, or even any standard motor oil? Well the motor that runs full synth is almost deposit free and does not stink like burnt oil, while the other stuff totaly sticks to your engine and basicly ruins parts faster. Full synth works like a dertergent to keep parts clean and in your case remove the crudd that is already in there.

If your car is worth anything to you run full synthetic oil.

Sorry about the rant and rave, but this is the most important thing you can do for your car.

HVAC MAN, thanks for the info (you go 12,000 miles on 1 oil change?) i was going to go 5k. Quick question: i see you also have a 93 X, do you know where the egr valve is, i can't find one anywhere? I tried searches, bought a Haynes repair manual, looked for an hour +, still can't find it on mine.
