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More Glass Roll Pans Info Here...

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just carve something stupid on the underside where no one would see it. like type R, or saleen, or steeda, or dont drink and drive or draw a little bored.

Back to the pan...

All the final layers of glass are on the mold. I have built a tube frame arround the mold and have tab'ed the mold to the frame, yesterday. So today after work I will go back to the shop and pop the mold. Pics to follow shorly...

Well, I think I will be able to pop the mold tonight. I have been getting many, many emails and PM's for pics. So I have made a page with all the build-up pics, there are no explinations or anything like that just all the pics I have thus far. I have more to post tonight too.


Here are the latest pics...


Drum roll please...

Here is the mold:


Had to break the plug taking it out of the mold:


Started to sand out the mold. It has to be wet sanded to 1500.



I even welded on collasable legs on to the mold so I can store it with minimal storage space.


The project is rolling on great!!!

Looking good, keep the pic's coming.

That's a nice set of pic's. Looks like a lot of work and hours. Should look very nice done, can't wait to see finished product.

I'm interested in the process. From there do you start laying the fiberglass cloths in the mold and tucking it into place...or is there more to it?. I know after you gotta sand/etc. Just want a little more info. I want to start doing a little bit of fiberglass making myself.

man oh man:bounce:

Looks like the mold is high quality. Congrats.

Have you solved the mounting issues?

using the gun will make things about a billion times easier. good work. :)

Do you have a prototype vehicle lined up for doing the 1st gens, or do you plan on modifying this one to fit the other years?

Damn! That is nice work. My only suggestion would be to not support the mold with steel attached as you have done. This makes it very hard to remove the product. That's probably why you broke the original. If you did the mold fiberglass jacket in two pieces that bolted together along a spine running the length of the rollpan removal would be much easier. Just my opinion. It does look like you know what you're doing. Looking forward to pics of a finished product.

zensius, The metal bars are not touching the mold at all. There is space between them. This will allow for the 4% expansion and contracion.

As for breaking the plug. That is cause we did not fill the 90 degree where the plug was sitting on the farmica (sp?) So then resin ran under the plug. Then we had to use hammer and chisle to break that part loose.

I have the mold edge rolled 1/8 inch now. With the flandge and all it will pop out very easy.

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Originally posted by danlong
Do you have a prototype vehicle lined up for doing the 1st gens, or do you plan on modifying this one to fit the other years?

No, I have a 94 already and will be making another one for them just like this.
