MOVE THIS POST TO AUDIO! (Sorry) Want up front bass? Buy a BMW this January | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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MOVE THIS POST TO AUDIO! (Sorry) Want up front bass? Buy a BMW this January


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February 4, 2000
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Silver Spring, Maryland
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'98 XLT
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The new 745i BMW will have subs mounted under the front seats. That is such a great idea.

Gotta have some on move this to audio.

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That's tight! BMW has so many ideas...they know how to make a vehicle look so f***ing awesome! I can't drive by my local dealer without almost getting into an accident ;) On the BMW subject I saw the Z8 in the showroom a few weeks back. I wasn't a big fan of it...then I saw it. It was easily the nicest, smoothest, sexiest car I have ever seen.

subwoofer frequencies aren't directional like the higher frequencies. that's why they started putting subwoofers in the trunk years ago (more room, and their out of sight). if you have your system set up correctly, you shouldn't be able to determine the direction the bass is coming from. the phase should all blend together.
actually i had a fiero with a stock sub up front. it was a nice idea, but when i put more powerful subs in the rear (the storage area behind the engine), it sounded much better.

I'm sorry, but the ML320 is a putzmobile. The BMW 7 series is rolling cool. Where else get you get bulletproof glass & protective metal (albeit for twice the price)?

Originally posted by EO
Where else get you get bulletproof glass & protective metal (albeit for twice the price)?

i'm sure Suge Knight is thinking it would've been worth the expense............

True dat!

Keepin' it real,

I think my dad's 1984 Nissan 300ZX Turbo 50th has subs under the seats... Of course, it has the top-of-the-line option on everything, since it's one of the 50th Anniversary ones.

i think the 300zx's had the factory sub in the dash underneath.....

awesome car. i love those twin turbo 3.0s.........

i'm sure Suge Knight is thinking it would've been worth the expense............
Heh, but I bet not as much as Tupac!
