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muffler questions


Well-Known Member
June 10, 2004
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City, State
Los Angeles, CA
Year, Model & Trim Level
'00 XLS 4x4 (4.0L OHV)
i'm looking to get a little info before i order my new muffler. does anyone know the dimensions of the stock muffler and the inlet/outlet configuration (e.g. center/right, left/right). i have a 2000 XLS 4dr. thanks for any help you can provide.


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Are you planning on installing this yourself? If you are, you could maybe crawl under your truck and take a peek.....Just an idea.

i was probably going to take it to a shop, i need to get the pipes custom fabricated because they don't make any kits for my X.

Ahha. Sorry then, I really don't know which sides they exit and enter.

My reccomendation: if you are having someone else do it, find a shop that carries the brand of muffler you want to use, and goto them, tell them I want muffler X installed, and let them do all the work.

i agree with that

even though you may think you are saving money buy buying the muffler online or somewhere else, the shop ,may just charge you more for the install or won't do it at all.

Definately check in with a shop, and you can ask if you can bring the muffler in after they quote you a price. say "well you guys want $XX for this muffler and i can get it cheaper elsewhere for $XX. they might match that price or maybe tell you the actual install will cost the same regardless of where the muffler comes from.

all of that is assuming your budy isn't gonna do the work for you in exchange for a 6-pack

have2goski said:
all of that is assuming your budy isn't gonna do the work for you in exchange for a 6-pack

i wish... if i was back up in NorCal that would definately be the best solution, although i'd probably spring for a case of Sierra Nevada.
