My 2005 Ford Explorer won't start (or even turn over). | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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My 2005 Ford Explorer won't start (or even turn over).

Sandy Wyatt

New Member
May 29, 2017
Reaction score
City, State
Augusta, GA
Year, Model & Trim Level
2005 Explorer XLT
My name is Sandy Wyatt. I have a 2005 Explorer XLT that won't start (or ever turn over). The anti-theft light is flashing, but no sound from under the hood. I changed the battery, changed the starter, but still nothing.

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My name is Sandy Wyatt. I have a 2005 Explorer XLT that won't start (or ever turn over). The anti-theft light is flashing, but no sound from under the hood. I changed the battery, changed the starter, but still nothing.
Hi Sandy,

First make sure you're using the proper key to start the vehicle. If you are try disconnecting the negative battery terminal for at least a half hour or so. This should clear out any stored power in the vehicle. On reconnection, if you still have the same issue it seems the only repair is to have a certified Ford dealer reprogram your PATS (passive anti-theft system) in conjunction with an ignition key. Unfortunately, to my knowledge genuine dealers are the only places that have the equipment to do this

Best of luck!

Hi Sandy,

First make sure you're using the proper key to start the vehicle. If you are try disconnecting the negative battery terminal for at least a half hour or so. This should clear out any stored power in the vehicle. On reconnection, if you still have the same issue it seems the only repair is to have a certified Ford dealer reprogram your PATS (passive anti-theft system) in conjunction with an ignition key. Unfortunately, to my knowledge genuine dealers are the only places that have the equipment to do this

Best of luck!

Also, some are reporting that wires in the steering wheel area can break causing a short which would result in things acting up. Other's are saying it's the problem I mentioned above, and lastly it could be a fault somewhere in your PATS system itself, such as in the components that make up the system. Either way, the dealership will most likely need to perform the repair as they have the required equipment to do any reprogramming once the components are replaced.

Check with a mobile key guy first. There are some that can reprogram the key/pats.

Yes, I just had a key made after my son lost the only key I had. The mobile lock guy came out and within 45 minutes, I had a dummy key that would open the door and a new programmed key that would open the door and start the car. $180 total cost for everything.
