My '92 Eddie Bauer | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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My '92 Eddie Bauer


Well-Known Member
April 8, 2013
Reaction score
City, State
Salem, Oregon
Year, Model & Trim Level
'99 Explorer Sport
Finally Elite Explorer! Thanks everyone for your help over the last couple years!

I don't really know how to go about this, so bear with me.

This is how it looked when I got it.


I really, really loved my Explorer. I spent about a year and a half just fixing it up, adding my own touches and learning how to work on a vehicle. I had my moments where I wanted to take a shotgun to it. (Mostly when replacing the fuel pump)

Then I got a job and finally got it road legal, and about a week after getting insurance, I got in a crash. (I will elaborate if anyone's really curious as to what happened. I will say, it was 0% my fault)


Then I bought a parts Explorer for $200! The engine was on it's way out and it needed a TON of work. But for $200 I was able to drive it home. That's what I call a steal!

Fixed my explorer and put new tires on it. I kept some spare parts, sold some parts, then scrapped the parts Explorer. Overall I came out positive, financially. (Especially with the insurance giving me twice what I paid for it.)



(Under dash/rear seat LED's put in after crash. The rest I added before the crash)

Had some fun in it!

It's pretty amazing how capable Explorer's are when they're stock... Until you blow an auto hub.

(Friends Ranger. I sold him the engine from the parts Explorer. It is now rebuilt and in the Ranger.)


Now I'm really bummed out about my Explorer. The crash tweaked my core support a little bit so it's impossible to get the panels lined up unless I put a new one in. It looks ugly. I used to be proud of having a somewhat clean looking Explorer and about the best running one in my city.

BUT, Now I really want to get an Explorer sport 5 speed or a Navajo. I've gotten really into driving a manual, after using my brothers 5 speed CR-V to get to work for a month.

I am going to start saving up to get my Sport, take some of the parts off of my current Explorer, put them on my new one when I get it, and keep it for parts and a back up truck.

I will edit this later with more info. Thanks again for this amazing forum everyone!

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I like those LEDs you put in. Looks very nice!

Can always do a 5 speed swap in yours and change the core support. But i understand if you dont wanna do all that work!

Thank you!

My new plan is to get the 5 speed Sport, and at some point do the core support, dog legs and paint my current one.
One, to make it look nice again, and two, so I can practice doing body work and welding etc.

I would do the work now, but this is my DD and I don't want to have to borrow my brothers car again because he's not a big fan of long term borrowing. (I'm not the quickest when it comes to getting big projects done.)

Ya im lucky, the Explorer isnt a DD altho i dont like when its down to long. Im rebuilding a 4.0 ohv for it lucky i have an awesome friend that let me have the spare engine, so the Explorer is never down only a few hours for the motor swap.

Oops, I know this registry is for my truck, but since I briefly talked about the Ranger my spare engine went into, I figured I'd give an update on what just happened to it while off-roading.


Ya im lucky, the Explorer isnt a DD altho i dont like when its down to long. Im rebuilding a 4.0 ohv for it lucky i have an awesome friend that let me have the spare engine, so the Explorer is never down only a few hours for the motor swap.

Yeah that's nice. Even when I didn't DD my Explorer (No job, No insurance) I hated it being down for too long.

When I replaced the fuel pump it took me like 4 days because of a stubborn bolt. It was the one that holds the skid plate on right next to the drive shaft. It's not easy to get a drill in there, and the drive shaft doesn't look like it'll let go very easy either. That was the hardest job I've done on this thing so far.

And with it being a $100 pump AND sending unit. I don't EXPECT it to live much longer. (But it's made it 2000+ miles and still starts every time!!!)
