My big Idea! | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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My big Idea!


Elite Movie Star
Elite Explorer
September 1, 2002
Reaction score
City, State
Lake View Terrace, CA
Year, Model & Trim Level
'91 Navajo '99 X '19 Rngr
WEll first I have too say I love the Ex...but I just want to start with something shorter. The 4 door is a little to long I think for what I want to do sometime in the next few years when I can build it.

The Big Idea.

Start with a B2 and a rolled or junk 98+ EX. Transfer rear end, drivetrain (V8 or SOHC), Dash , wiring and maybe nose to B2. Throw in a D44 in the front. Lose the rear hatch and rear windows. Full roll cage. Inclose cab from cargo area. Maybe take the cage into the Engine compartment and tie into Front and rear bumpers Maybe an Atlas and 5.13's for gears and Some 35's or 37's MTR's Or BFG's Susp. would probally be coilovers all way around. Not sure about ditch'n the leafs, in rear. Thinking a V8 so I can run a C6. And then A crazy paint job like lime green with a bright blue cage

Well what do think guys?


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I say go for it!

hope you have $$$$$$$$$$$$$ or some sick fabricating skills


all but the C6. its big, heavy, and you wont need it. you can build a C4 to handle sick hp. leave the C6 to one ton truck towing duties/ 800hp drag car stuff.

I rembered some things

all but the C6. its big, heavy, and you wont need it. you can build a C4 to handle sick hp.

Yeah I was thinking about that...

I forgot lockers:rolleyes: Duh!

Also I think a early 2nd gen V8 so the trans is not computer controlled. That way the motor will not care whats behind it.

trans IS computer controlled. all 5 liter explorer's (96-01) have the 4R70W. still an option though, as has a stand-alone computer to control the 'W tranny no matter what motor is in front of it.

When do we start?


You can save yourself ALOT of time and $$$ if you stick with the OHV 4.0L, plenty for a BII. Build a C4 to go behind it, Atlas T case if you want.

The rest is a natural fit.

Let me know if you have any questions about what works and doesnt into the BII platform, I think you will LIKE IT!!!


wow!:eek: 410 Likes my idea. Thanks Jamie that means alot coming from another B2 owner.

When do we start? It's gonna be couple years:( Got get the house and garage with all the toys to build her.:D

Once I have some place to keep it all I can start collecting parts;)

well hey for the most part there are only 2 parts to collect.

1. a 1984-90 BII, with a clean/decent body and frame. I see these all the time for $200-1000

2. a donor vehicle. 93-94 Explorer makes the perfect donor for a bolt in 4.0L conversion into a BII, Other years will work too with a little more work.

Start wrenching = done.

If I was to do it over again this is the route I would take! Instead of piecing it all together over years I would just buy a complete Explorer for the donor, take the BII down to the body and frame and BLAMO done.

If I was to do it over again this is the route I would take! Instead of piecing it all together over years I would just buy a complete Explorer for the donor, take the BII down to the body and frame and BLAMO done.

Well I have the explorer!:D But I don't think my wife would like me taking apart a perfectly good truck!:p

I wanta start with 2nd gen Ex though so I can use Rear w/discs and the Ex front clip.

Hey jamie when are you gonna buy some 35's and give me your 33's?:D
